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The act of using an e cigarette.

She used to smoke cigarettes, but now she just puffs.

She was a smoker...now she's a puffer.

Going for a puff.

Puffing an e cig is not as offensive to my friends as smoking.

by IMTammyP September 13, 2013

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


male cheerleader

boy that male cheerleader is such a puff i should go commit a hate crime

by Anonymous April 2, 2003

8πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

puff puff pass

what you do when you're smokin weed with ya dawgs

Pass the doobie down the left hand side

by Silky Smooth January 16, 2004

184πŸ‘ 237πŸ‘Ž

puff puff train

When a girl is gettin eaten out, the person doing the eating blows air into the vagina, and then carries on to press down on the stomach of the woman in a hard fashion, causing abrupt air like "pfffft" noises to be heard..

Should be followed with a choo choo noise by the eater.

"Man, i had such a great time last night, Francisca let me puff puff train her allll night. Then i tooted like a conductor.

by Alex May 27, 2004

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


If you take it up the arse you’re a puff

β€œHeard she got bent over”
β€œYea what a puff”

by Glossaryson May 22, 2019

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The elusive buff Karen’s scientific name

β€œGoin’ to the gym today bout to get PUFF”

by edFKLEGJWKLEFG January 26, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Soft fluffy person. Weak, pushover, bitch, vagina

Jimmy: β€œI can’t go out tonight! My mom wants me to help her take down the tree.”

Carrie: β€œnigga why are you such a puff?”

by Lividlizard December 26, 2019

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž