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Big Yoshi

The guy who won’t tell you where the bloody cheese is

Wallace 1: "Look lads it's big yoshi! You gotta help us we can't find our cheese"

Big Yoshi: "There is no cheese..."

by I’m a mess November 17, 2019

Beeg Yoshi

1. A Beeg boy who resembles, but isn't, Yoshi from Mario.

2. Used when someone else is lazy, and you’re hoping that they get up out of the pile of Cheeto dust they’ve been accumulating, and do something for once.

1. ”Beeg Yoshi is way better than normal Yoshi.”

2. ”Jai, you’re such a Beeg Yoshi, you haven't done anything to clean in 6 months!”

by Idontwantpizzaiwanttacos September 12, 2020

Yoshi Punch

Similar to the Donkey Punch or Donkey Hadoken, but you place a piece of randomly selected fruit on a table in front of the receiver. Proceed to punch them in the back of the head, and make sure that she or he eats the fruit in front of them. Quickly. With their tongues.

"Duuude, Sarah was bitchin' at me last night, so I went ahead and gave her a Yoshi Punch to straighten things out."

by ForumYoshi September 10, 2006

18👍 7👎

Filthy Yoshi

When at a stip club with a group of your guy and girl friends, and you bust a nut on the stripper while in white shorts and spending all the money you have left for the vacation on that one, 40-minute lapdance.

"I just gave that stripper the best filthy yoshi of her life" or "One time a guy I didn't even know filthy yoshied on me, then I charged him triple for the lap dance...and he came back the next day anyway."

by Yoshi and G.L.O.B.E March 29, 2008

9👍 4👎

Yoshi The Dubstepasaurus

Originally known as 'Yoshi' from the children's series 'Mario', 'Yoshi The Dubstepasaurus' is a gangster-turned-unicorn dinosaur-turtle hybrid on methamphetamine.

Yoshi The Dubstepasaurus currently resides in Australia, living the high life with his biker and gangster friends, listening to dubstep music in the park. Yoshi The Dubstepasaurus sightings have been commonly reported at a private school in Victoria, Australia. You can summon Yoshi The Dubstepasaurus in your bedroom by jumping up and down three times and stating the phrase, "lick me, daddy".

Rumors speculate that Yoshi The Dubstepasaurus was the initial cause of 9/11, but this is yet to be confirmed. Some say that Yoshi The Dubstepasaurus owns a YouTube account under the pseudonym, "Yoshi The Dubstepasaurus". He has some pretty cool content so go and check him out.

Person 1: Hey, guess what?
Person 2: What?
Person 1: I last night I summoned Yoshi The Dubstepasaurus in my bedroom! He bought pizza and chips and we got high as fuck and played Super Mario 64 all night long!
Person 2: Damn, that kid is a legend

Person 1: I'll say!

by ms_edge April 23, 2018

beeg yoshi

The beeg yoshi is your best friend, he will never leave, he will never sleep, he will never eat. he is a normal boy that will hunt you down, if you commit tax fraud.

david: *commits tax fraud*
beeg yoshi: :)

by Yes i’m real man October 23, 2019

4👍 1👎

swapped yoshi's

Swapped yoshi's is intentionally giving someone a STD, but unintentionally receiving one.

I was planning on giving my ex my herpes, but instead we swapped yoshi's and I got AIDs.

by Apartment 5935 January 18, 2011

4👍 1👎