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1. Anyone who calls someone a tool, is a tool. 2. Choir directors. 3. People with initials DEW. 4. Choir directors. 5. Guys who shave their head until it's ALMOST bald, but there's still some there. I mean, really? Just shave it all. 6. Choir directors.

That choir director's initials are DEW. WHAT. A. TOOL. Seriously.

by beauchanson June 15, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A complete idiot, a guillible person, someone who makes incredibly ridiculous mistakes. A generally clumsy and slapstick person.

Toolery: 1. A group of tools. 2. The act of being a tool, "stop this toolery!"

Look what you've done, you tool!
There he goes again, acting the tool...
Ignore the foolish tool and lets go

by hatrickpatrick December 19, 2005

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Someone who does what ever he is told to do just to suck up to that other person.

Matt James is the biggest tool on earth!

by Youg April 20, 2008

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A poorly defined criticism of another, usually involving projection of one's own insecurities onto that person.

No one actually makes fun of someone because they really are too stupid to know they are being used. This vague usage usually involves the user being jealous of social interaction that is initially caused by someone needing help. Sometimes the "tool" is just happy to help and fully capable of getting anything they want in return, and other times the "tool" may want more but is still getting enough out of it to make the relationship mutually beneficial and incite jealousy.

When used to refer to someone who is "trying too hard" it usually means that the person has a strong influence on social situations in a way that causes jealousy or anger. Again someone who just actually can't think of anything funny to say or just blends in the background isn't likely to be a target.

You might argue that the "tool" may be doing something inappropriate if everyone is mad at the person, but as a general rule intelligent people do not participate in awkward silences when they believe they can offer constructive criticism about someone's behavior.

Gamma 1: God Alpha is such a tool. Doesn't he know Alpha female is just using him for his ride?
Gamma 2: Yeah seriously! Hey shouldn't they be back by now?

Beta M: Hey, I'm just glad I could help. Besides it gives us a chance to get to know each other.
Beta F: Sounds good to me! I caught a ride from those sketchball gammas but they kept acting like I owed them something for it.

After Alpha plus leaves the room....

Beta Minus: God, Alpha is such a tool. Doesn't he know no-one cares about socio-economic theory and how it relates to every day life?
Beta Plus: Sorry what? I was lost in deep profound thought.

by citizenxo January 26, 2011

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A Tool is one that proceeds to lack the capability of understanding he/she is a dumb ass. Others may think of a tool as one who jerks off randomly with such a fast motion, that you wonder to yourself, "how do they still have skin left?".

Lucas: Man, I cant believe how much of a tool mitch is.

Addison: Ya i know! He is a tool by definition for sure!

by Dirty Madmen Mike March 29, 2011

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1) A tool is a member of society that often acts like a complete moron without realising. At the time of acting like a moron what they are trying to achieve is a humour factor! However they do not achieve this and end up looking like a "tool" to everyone but in their minds still believe they are a god, when really they are not!

2)A tool can also be someone who tells blatant and obvious lies in front of people that know the truth therefore the same moron outcome takes place. Lies may include:
- The stealing of a persons joke and telling it in front of them and still claiming it as your own
- The amount of girls you have slept with
- Things you get up to on the weekend

3) When you get more than one "tool" or a collection of "tools" this may be refered to as a "toolbox" or a larger group may be called a "toolshed"

"Why are you lying about something we all know is not true you TOOL?!?!"
"Those 2 belong in a toolbox"
"Some of the people i hang out with make me feel like im in a TOOLSHED!"

by Kurt and Hank October 4, 2006

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A person who does not realize that they are constantly being used, mocked, and/or made fun of

Big Sandy Is In Fact A Tool

by Sander Mathew Bregman June 14, 2007

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