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Tummy Sex

When two people love each other very much and feel comfortable around each other, tummy sex tends to happen. An individual lies down whilst raising his or her t-shirt whilst their partner either topless or also raising there t shirt lies on top of them rubbing rhythmically back and forth. This is tummy sex. The origins of tummy sex are unknown, possibly dating back to the Roman times, though it wasn't observed fully until 2010 when in london zoo the act was carried out shameless in the full view of the public.

Person A: "Come here Mr. Tummy and have tummy sex with me!!"
Person B: "ok, yeah, lets have tummy sex"

by lemons12334 July 5, 2010

32๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Has two distinct definitions:
1. A very long, lenghty, and stringy turd that when still inside one's intestines, the tail reaches to the bottom of one's stomach (tummy), and when released into its habitat (toilet, ground, girlfriend's mouth, etc.) it coils up and has head in strike position;
2. A penile erection that is concealed or hidden by one's action of tucking said erection between the tuckers pants, boxers, etc., and body so that the penis head sticks out above the tucker's waistline. Normally, the tucker is unaware of it being visible.

1) "Oh my! Billy, that Tummy-Snake is hanging out of the toilet!"

2) "By god Johnny, put your shirt back on, all those kids can see your Tummy-Snake!"

by Billy Grundle November 11, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tummy Shame

The excretion of gas from the rectum. Otherwise known as a fart. Used when farting in a public or inappropriate place.

Farting in the library, people look at you reply "sorry tummy shame"

by Jamonurface February 11, 2009

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Tummy Do

When one's stomach, or 'tummy,' sticks out further than one's breasts. Or in the case of men, pectorals. It is a very unattractive feature to say the least.

Iyun: Man, check out that guy Scotticus' Tummy Do
Hare Bear: Jeez, that shit is un-fucking-attractive. That dude should do P90X.

by sIuAcNks April 17, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tummy Tickle

When two men get boners and they see who can poke each other in the belly button first.

It was awkward when my mom walked in and me and my friend were playing tummy tickle.

by bobdamexicanconstructionworker September 22, 2011

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tummy tits

When a woman has fat rolls on her stomach that look more or less like tits.

That bitch totally has tummy tits!

by Cpuppy February 28, 2012

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dicky Tummy

an upset stomach, feeling sick in the belly

Robin: Oi bro, want another Taco?
Phillip: Nah mate, I have a dicky tummy

by Prof Batman August 10, 2022