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violet flower

In the 1910's - 1950's one female lover would exchange a violet flower to another female lover in order to represent their sexual preference as a lesbian.

"I presented a violet flower to my secret girlfriend in order to keep our relationship discreet."

by mrsaab February 18, 2014

26πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

shrinking violet

someone who is shy, hesitant, or afraid to have a voice in social situations.

"try not to be a shrinking violet at the gathering tonight,
everyone there will be casual and no one will bite!"

by Polo March 22, 2007

263πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

violet vulva

The female equivelant to the term "blue balls" as stated by Dr. Spencer. The term "blue balls" is medically noted as protracted resolution by which vasodialtion has ceased to occur within the excitement phase of sexual arousal due to the lack of an efficient orgasm. This creates an uncomfortable pain in which the blood veins have experienced stretching due to increased blood flow and typically, an orgasm would relieve this pressure. When an orgasm is unachievable, the body will often take much longer for the pressure to be released as well as the veins to return to a resting state.

Student 1:"Females can get blue balls?"
Student 2:"You bet...Doctor Specer of Arizona State University has termed this Violet Vulva"
Student 1:"Interesting!"

by MIK3 September 8, 2006

148πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Violet Vatican

The International Center of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

"The one thing we can be sure of after a conference with the likes of Leonard Sweet is that the 'Violet Vatican' isn’t planning to make the LCMS more Lutheran!"

by CFW Chemnitz October 6, 2008

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Violet hill

A song by the British band Coldplay

Violet Hill has a 42 second "no lyrics" introduction.

by Violet Hill Coldplay March 11, 2009

27πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Violet Eyes

The appearance of violet eyes is thought to occur from the mixing of red and blue reflections. Some albinos have eyes that appear violet. Violet eyes are genetically similar to blue eyes (i.e., they are a reflection, pigment, or variant of blue). Violet eyes are extremely rare; some people remain convinced that it is impossible to have violet colored eyes. However, violet eyes are commonly found in a few remote and high altitude areas of northern Kashmir and remote areas in Afghanistan.

Contrary to popular belief, Violet Eyes exist, but are extremely rare. Even more so than non-albino red eyes.
Violet eyes are actually so rare that many people doubt they even exist, because they've never seen violet eyes.

by Skalman July 6, 2009

113πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Violet Parr

On The Incredibles, the teenage daughter of Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl. Violet has the ability to turn invisible, though she doesn't really need to because she's really hot, with purple hair that drapes down in her face.

Look, it's Violet Parr...if she only had braces, she'd be the hottest girl in America!

by MacGuy May 17, 2006

69πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž