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cis white male syndrome

The world will never harm you.

YO! You "cis white male syndrome baby" will never be harmed no matter what.

by bobbymaysdaniel March 24, 2023

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upper middle class white girl syndrome

Being so bored you feel the need to shop

Bob: Dude, we have a problem. Dave is suffering from upper middle class white girl syndrome.

Phil: What?

Bob: It's serious, man. I think we have to amputate.

Phil: Amputate what?!?!

Bob: His manlyhood

by YelloDragon2 May 29, 2012

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unique against-the-system white girl syndrome

A fatal condition some women have where they seemingly lose grip of English grammar conventions and decide to start writing like a complete fucking tool. These people also browse Tumblr regularly.

"Have you ever seen a girl on the internet or anywhere else write in all lowercase with run-on sentences and no punctuation? Did you have the sudden urge to find them and punch them in the face?"

"Yeah, it's called unique against-the-system white girl syndrome."

by Inumeration July 15, 2016

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snow white syndrome

When a dude will only have sex with white girls. The inverse of jungle fever

Damn that nigga Tom ain't never fucked a black girl I think he got Snow White syndrome

by Killakai February 8, 2014

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Walter White Syndrome

The state of being able to freely do terrible things for a long time because people believe you to be too nice and/or weak to perform them.

"How did Bill Cosby get away with raping so many women for so long?"
"He was America's dad Jim, he's got Walter White Syndrome."

by niggardly4444444444444444 February 11, 2016

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Skyler White Syndrome

The theorized phenomenon that fans of a story will be hypercritical and unfairly nitpick minuscule parts of a character in a minority in order to mask and deny their subconscious hate.

*playing a game*
Person 1: I'm not sexist, man! I just don't like the woman from the Battlefield V trailer cause it was unrealistic that she had a robot arm! Nobody would have that in World War II. That's my only problem with this game, it was so unrealistic.
Person 2: Yeah... hey check this out, I'm standing on top of a galloping horse with a flamethrower!
Person 1: Oh dude that's so cool!
Person 2: Okay I think you have Skyler White Syndrome.

by FigureOfStickman July 7, 2020

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a state of mind where a person blindly holds on to the idea of their perfect lifestyle, regardless of the inevitable life factors that make it impossible for it to be true.

For example if your mom keeps acting as if your family is that all American "white picket fence" family from the 50s, when no one acts or thinks that way (Extreme example:your parents expecte everyone to come home and talk about their day but your brother is hooked on meth and never comes home while your sister is at her boyfriends house pretending she doesn't have a family).

My mom has such a white-picket-fence-syndrome!

by Esgaroth January 9, 2010

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