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wimble womble

To quabble hither and thither whilst maintaining a general lollygag and/or snickarckle.

Avast! The Wizard approaches with great wimble womble!

by Snicklefritz III April 19, 2016

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womble teaser

When a women says she will have sex with you, but doesn't
She therefore teases your womble

guy 1 "did you have sex with that girl?
guy 2 "no, she was a womble teaser"

by le jeff November 2, 2008

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a word meaning a person that works at westhavens. that makes uggboots for a living. and dates retards

chris horder works at westhavens and he makes uggboots, what a womble!

by looseass November 4, 2008

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Someone who is really boring, sits on their arse and can't be bothered going out or doing anything interesting

Matt:- "Hey John, wanna go to the pub for a drink and see that awesome band play"?

John:- "Nah - can't be stuffed, besides reruns of Survivor China are on TV"

Matt:- Don't be such a Womble"!

by F Orgotmyline March 2, 2009

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to sing very beautifully with a large vibratto

This soprano role needs to be filled by someone who can really womble.

by Blue Devil 08 January 6, 2014

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the only proper track to drop on the officer pulling you over at 4 AM, the most steezy.

"Do you know why I'm pulling You over?" - officer

by Dr. Steezle March 24, 2011

Womble it up

To go watch SovietWomble's videos

Him: Hey! What's up?
Her: About to Womble it up in here!
Him: Haha, yeah that guy is fun!

"Gotta Womble it up, it's been a while"
"Gonna Womble it up!"

by TheWombleDoctor October 7, 2016