To learn addiction, to lose the meaning of life, gives you an anti-tan, the 10 day trial is a scam (it turns into at least a 10 month addiction)...
"Who needs a Ring of Marriage when you got Ring of Lethality"
"Wifes can be like rogues, go behind your back and screw other people"
"If only life was as simple as World of Warcraft, Example: Wife tells you she's pregnant , *POPS VANISH*
22๐ 11๐
a fun alternitive to life that will cause the fallowing
loss of girlfriend...ness
your job
and your comp. will eventualy brake and you will be to fat to get your lazy ass up and get it fixed
short definition:
the worlds largest dorito bag in the form of a disk
comp:logging into world of warcraft
comp:internet not connected replug in cord to router
bill: *recheches to plug* *cant reach so grabes dorito chip* *falls off chair*..............*eats dorito*
301๐ 232๐
alright enough of all this bullshit. your all crazy. WoW is addictive yes, but you guys who are like "oh its for fas with no life" are being hippocritical because YOUR the one with no life, because you actually took the time to look all of this up, and post on your phonie bolognie assed shit! alright? im not going to give that "oh im a WoW player, but i still have a life" crap. I play the game a lot, and im not failing all of my courses, im not doing as good as i could be, but that is not necessarily cause of WoW
"oh your a looser cause you play world of warcraft"
"really? your the one who took the time out of your day to say that to me, you fool"
33๐ 19๐
A huge game that takes up all of your and all of your freinds time.
I lost my job, droped out of school became additec to painkillers, becuse of world of warcraft.
I cant go to the movies because of WOW
348๐ 283๐
An awesome game that is fun to play and easy to learn.
Also the one game you won't pwn your girlfriend at.
No matter how much you want your girlfriend to share your interests, don't show her world of warcraft. In a week she'll be lvl 70 and you'll be the one telling her to get off!
52๐ 36๐
you will only probably get addicted
about the same chance as with alcohol, cigs, cocaine, crystal meth, food, or sleep
its all good...
blizzard got superduper loaded with cash because of that fifteen dollars a month thing...
the best is the buying of the gold thing...
dude they should just make an injection where it feels like you have been playing world of warcraft for like five hours and you can experience life outside the room with the computer in it... that would kick ass... and be very expensive...
crack in cd- rom form
82๐ 60๐
A terrorist recruitment agency.
A typical World of warcraft recruiting technique.
Beardmansays: Wanna join the Al-Qaeda guild? You get free chemical supplies from your local bunnings warehouse.
Childfoursays: Sure! sign me up!
Local defence.3 Goldshire is under attack!!!
30๐ 19๐