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I should do what you do, And you should clean my balls

A phrase that is when you think someone is stupid and is not qualified for their job and you could do that something better and you already know what

Guy1: i just watched the movie aladdin i think its a good childrens movie that doesnt have a deep message
Guy2: well i watched it and its clearly critical of how poverty and the lower class are treated in egypt I should do what you do, And you should clean my balls

by Hugeballguy June 1, 2024

You should reset character now!

it’s a sentence which describes fatherless kid and no life black figures.

Player 1: hey you suck.



YoU sHoUlD kNoW wHo YoUr AuDiEnCe Is!

Ha! It's hilarious that this is the topic because (believe it or not) I was going post this exact thing today but I fell asleep. That's hilarious! Damn... This is way less good now... Damn! Really! I was really thinking about this all night at work! Fuck me... I can't believe I dropped the ball on this one! It would have looked so cool because I totally would have preempted you thing. It would have looked like I have the ability to know the unknown again. Fuck!

Idiota "YoU sHoUlD kNoW wHo YoUr AuDiEnCe Is!"

Hym "I don't give a single fuck about who my audience is! I was ambivalent about it. (In the same way you were ambivalent about the outcome of my life) I don't care. This is intended to be REGARDLESS of who's listening. Like a soliloquy. πŸ«·πŸ˜’ (The Jews don't like that I commited Fagan). But seriously... You're angry I fucked up your indoctrination! That's hilarious!

Idiota "If only we could indoctrinate the children right! Then everything would be great forever! I want them to think things they no longer think!"

Hym "Well... I guess it sucks to be you. Nobody want to exist with your indoctrinated fuck trophies. You been indoctrinating them wrong for millenia. Never once has it worked. It lead to THIS. Your need for ideological control is a repugnant miasma that I refuse to wade through. And that retarded bitch shouldn't have been stalking me. Someone should have told the truth sooner. You have no one to blame but yourselves. So, fuck you and your kids. Here. πŸ–• Here's that. You can have it. Oh! And here's one for your kids πŸ–•. There. Now you both have one."

by Hym Iam May 8, 2023

maybe you should shut up idiot

You suck, no one likes you, now go outside you idiot.

Hey billy maybe you should shut up idiot Stop talking about fortnite

by MANIHATE2020 August 23, 2023

The (Psychic) Dictatorship of 'the people you SHOULD be listening to'

Welcome to the thing we are all doing... At this point in time we are experiencing...

Hym "The (Psychic) Dictatorship of 'the people you SHOULD be listening to'. It's one large Tu Quoque fallacy. You can see it everywhere. All over YouTube. They don't just arbitrate what you should think or how you should behave... They also dictate 'Who should or should not be listened to.' YOU NEED TO BE TOLD THAT BY YOUR BETTERS APPARENTLY!

Literally 98% of the YouTubers "Don't listen to THEM! You don't even have to listen to ME... But you SHOULD be listening to ME IN ABSTRACTION as someone who WOULD say the things I WOULD SAY to reinforce my ideological presuppositions!"

Hym "See that? ☝️ THAT right there is something to watch out for..."

by Hym Iam August 11, 2023

me and you should date

factual information

Person a: yo me and you should date

person b: yo that's factual information

by ballseiwhfrhqeifph June 29, 2022

fucking mug god damnit its a good mug you should really buy that

it be funny please acept

example: get the fucking mug god damnit its a good mug you should really buy that mug

by Potateh February 18, 2022