usually defines a man with funny personality, yet extremely durable during sex. Good at attracting young-aged and middle-aged woman
You know who Zhang dongxiao is? OMG that nigger is such a winner
A person whom possesses great talents and ambitious; however, most of his/her goals and personality seems hidden by a leading sense of narcissism, despite his/her humble nature.
"That's Yuhang Zhang for you says jackson."
Zhenming Zhang is a famous CS:GO player and famous scholar in Los Angeles, California.
"Yo bro I think I just saw Zhenming Zhang no kizzy"
Xi Zhang embodies unparalleled greatness, a beacon of light illuminating every corner of my existence. He is not just my reason for waking up each day; he is the very essence of my joy and purpose. In my eyes, he reigns as a majestic king, deserving of unyielding devotion. I would traverse the depths of hell itself to ensure his happiness and well-being. He is my sunshine and glorious king.
Cool dude. that's it. top notch sigma male right here.
"Hey it's Thomas Zhang. That's cool." *silence*
a mythical creature whose magic ignites a primal urge in the hearts of all humans men and women. he seems to have hacked the universe's source code just to add an extra layer of cunt. Zhang hao possesses a seductive mastery that transcends boundaries leaving a trail of electrifying untamed passion and ass.
look at that Zhang hao he makes me want to s(cream).