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small dick carl

A Man named Carl that has a extremely small penis

That guy is a 'small dick carl'

by Fresh Doggo August 17, 2017

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small dick syndrome

What many men experience, causing many men to be and act in toxic and aggressive manners.

Everyone knows that they cannot change parts of their body in any meaningful way, so men born with small penises will try to shape the world into something that makes them feel bigger.

Many men with Small Dick Syndrome develop hatred for women, hatred for more successful men, become obsessed with money, join the military or the police force, etc.

That's my cousin Mike. He does MMA, is a former Marine, a cop, is racist, always on edge, angry and violent. He's never had a woman genuinely want him, and he can't get over his first time with a girl, when she laughed at his penis and walked out.

Oh, so he's just got small dick syndrome.

by RealityForRealists May 2, 2021

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SDS (Small Dick Syndrome)

A biological disorder that often manifests in social circumstances due to a deficiency in size, function, or both, of the male penile organ.

Shyam has SDS (Small Dick Syndrome) - he seems to need to overcompensate for it by making his staff work ridiculous tasks.

by SDSAnonymous November 5, 2013

National small dick day

A day to celebrate your friend or your small dick

Celebrated on October 12

โ€œHey itโ€™s national small dick day letโ€™s go celebrate โ€œ

by Hheehheheas October 11, 2019

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small dick big dreams

a label put onto those people who have exceptionally small male genitalia, as well as enormous hopes, ambitions, and goals.

Oh man, that guy looks like he has small dick big dreams

by wafflecuck April 6, 2017

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Brennan small dick

A faggot who sucks monkey cock and is Jacobs bitch

Is that Brennan

Ya he has a Brennan small dick

by Ianisafaggot69 January 9, 2019

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Small dick kiddie fucker

Aka. โ€œTrent Powellโ€

A sick twisted weird cunt who resides in the inbred town on Ingham, QLD.

Has been know as the local simple man caught numerous times at the local park trying to lure kiddies to touch his tictac sized dick.

Also tries to sell his fathers boston whaler 225 on facebook but in stead is just trying to lure people to travel 250kms to touch his tictac and is known to get very offended when someone says they arenโ€™t coming.

Person1. Hey see that man over there near the playground holding a Tictac?

Person2. Oh thatโ€™s just the retarded Trent Powell trying to show his dick to kiddies โ€œsmall dick kiddie fuckerโ€

by Dingdongbingbong June 10, 2019