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Aimee is a fat slut who married shane

ew its aimee run

by shaneisafatlosercunt December 20, 2017

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Some girl who is still in school
Bothers with a girl called coral
Brown eyes and loves scotch eggs
her nickname is gomerpickabum because she picks her bum and likes to smell it afterwards
Hates sluts
Weird but funny

Look at gomerpickabum ahhh shes picking it right now sick!
aimee cant stand sluts
aimee loves coral

by Aimeegomerpickabum November 29, 2012

11๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž


She's cares about her dogs and chickens more than people and would rather watch basketball than provide for her children. Killing the dreams of small children is ten times more entertaining that hunting for Aimee

She just aimeed her kids

by your child23 March 22, 2018

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I spell my own name wrong because I am not able to find the French accent on the first e.

Often called a cow, dog, horse, pig etc

May be found talking to herself or laughing manically.

Often fakes orgasms and has been with ugly, poor, mean and/or desperate men and women.

Kind of boring if drugs and parties are your thing.

Probably a feminist but will still vote for Lord Buckhead.

Used to have nightmares.

Is quite fat and plain. Likes takeaways and sushi. Sorry.

Somehow is always oblivious to nonsense and shenanigans.

Hates psychiatrists. Loves Gay men for some reason.

The fat raped woman who died : Aimee you're too nice

by seroquelisaddictive June 26, 2019

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an amazing, outspoken girl, who loves a good laugh, and to have a great time doing what she is very passionate about. is very honest, and chatty.

one of my best friends is Aimee-lee

by awesomegirl1234567890 May 1, 2016

Aimee <3

Aimee is the most beautiful girl in the whole world. Her smile is adorable and she is just gorgeous. She makes you laugh when your crying and she makes you cry when you see her crying. She has wonderful green eyes and everyone that knows her can be really happy to have her. No one is as special and adorable as her. She's nice and is always there for you when you need her. Even when she's crying and has big problems, she will give her best just to help you.

"Aimee <3 is so pretty"
"Oh yea and this is the prettiest girl you will ever meet"

by the.truth.untold. October 17, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Aimee Challenor

Aimee Challenor is a former UK politician and transgender activist. In November 2016, her father was charged with raping/torturing a 10-year-old girl; despite this, Aimee appointed him as her election agent twice (she was suspended for this after her father was convicted in August 2018).

She joined the Liberal Democrats in October 2018, but was suspended again in July 2019 when they learned that her partner Nathaniel made pedophilic tweets. Aimee claimed that his Twitter was hacked, but this is dubious since accounts on other sites with Nathaniel's handle also contained sexual stories about kids.

In March 2021, a moderator of the subreddit r/UKPolitics was banned for posting an article that mentioned Aimee's name. It came to light that Aimee was a sitewide Reddit admin, that she moderated many large LGBT subreddits, and that writing "Aimee Challenor" could get you banned. Reddit claimed this was done to protect her from doxxing, but users didn't accept this since naming a public figure isn't harassment. Users also criticized Reddit for failing to vet Aimee's background and allowing someone with connections to pedophilia oversee forums full of vulnerable young people.

As a form of protest, many subreddit moderators temporarily closed their subreddits. Countless major subs with millions of combined users, including default subs like r/Fitness and r/Music, joined the blackout. The site administrators were eventually forced to concede, and Aimee was fired from Reddit.

Aimee Challenor was fired from Reddit after site-wide user protests and subreddit blackouts.

by BlizzardOfDreams March 25, 2021