To anglo wash is to make it seem that a person or something is from or physically in the continental United States. It is to lie about the true procedence and cultural background of non-native english speakers so a to cater to the the strictly english speaking population.
When a customer service rep from the Caribbean is ask to say they are calling from the state of Florida you are asking them to anglo wash themselves so they accent and identity is more accepted improving business profits.
Generic collection of cuisines and food related to English speaking countries that you would find in basic restaurants, bars and pubs. Includes basic foods such as burgers, fish and chips, and meat pies normally found in gastropubs or restaurants in the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc.
Do you want to eat and drink at that New Zealand Restaurant?
I'm down to eat and drink somewhere but I'm not feeling Anglo Food. Maybe an Asian restaurant with soju or sake.
The name for a person of African origin that lives in an anglicized nation and most likely has Anglo blood but not always. They speak English and are culturally Protestant and Anglo. Jamaicans are some of the more tolerable Afro-Anglos.
Look at those annoying Afro-anglos over there trying to convince those Puerto Ricans and Dominicans they’re really Black.
Damn, do you see that blonde over there? Holy shit that girl is an Anglo sexon