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Armenian genocide

A systematic mass killing of millions of Armenians. They blame the Ottoman Empire of being the only cause of this tragedy while the Turks had literally nothing to do with it. Turkey agreed to open their archives with the Armenians to deal with this situation. If it is true, the Turks agreed to admit they caused the genocide. Turkey even invited extra counties to search their past too but the ARMENIANS refused because they know damn well that they weren’t going to find anything against the Turks. The Ottoman Empire had nothing to do with this situation. Because of the Armenians, Turkey has a reputation of Β« genocide Β». All of this is fake.

-The Turks were the cause of the Armenian genocide

-no man, the Armenians set them up for no valid reason.

by Justsomegirlonthiswebsite November 17, 2019

33πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Armenian Salad

The sexual fetish of cutting off your or her pubic hairs, putting them on one of her nipples, then ejaculating on it. Then the woman eats it off her own nipples.

My girlfriend has a stomachache today, because last night i gave her an Armenian Salad.

by PRAZO50 October 31, 2008

14πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

armenian massage

When you go to get a massage and receive the unfortunate news that your masseuse is Armenian. Shortly after, a very large and domineering woman, usually named Hilda or Helga, walks in and places her greasy hands on the top of your back. She proceeds to massage you, but you cannot help but feel a third thing massaging you, so you look to only see her big floppy cock out, and it is actually massaging your ass. To not be viewed as homosexual, you tell her to get the fuck off and she proceeds to beat your ass and for the next two years your friends give you shit for getting your ass kicked by a girl.

Person #1: Man I heard you got an armenian massage.

Person #2: Yeah it fucking ruined my life.

Pape: Haha jerk. That sucks for you. Man my Porsche-a is so much better than your car.

Person #2: Hey Pape go suck a dick. And by the way, its Porsche and yours is broken.

by The Flying Dutchman! Yee! October 30, 2006

53πŸ‘ 221πŸ‘Ž

The Armenian Sledgehammer

While receiving head (preferably with your partner on all fours, not on knees), ball your hand into a tight fist and hit your them as hard as you can in the rectum, directly before ejaculating. Not only is this hilarious, it also feels great.

John: "How was last night with Tom?"
Kate: "It was great until Tom hit me with the Armenian Sledgehammer."
John: "Ooh... that sucks."
Kate: "I won't be able to sit right for a week."

by Aram A. April 2, 2008

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

armenian girls

Big nosed bitches who think they're the shit. But really they are just shit. Stinky oniony shit. Who don't know how to drive.

Fucking Armenian girls need to learn how to drive.

by kazy13 July 4, 2014

35πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž

Armenian Back Nair

When one is asked, forced, tricked, blackmailed, threatened, or willingly helps to apply Nair to an Armenians back. This is no small task, and will take serious forearm strength to wipe the rainforests of chemical burning hair away.

1. Hey big dog, you coming to jam tonight? No sorry champion, I got baited into another Armenian Back Nair night followed by a Cunnilingus Hedonist session and no reciprocation.

by GIRTHQUAKE72 November 10, 2019

102πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Armenian Noodle Dip

An Armenian noodle dip is when a man and woman are enagaged in sexual acts and as the man is about to cum he is standing up and holding the girl from the back of the neck where her face is right in front of the dick. the girl would then pout her lips for a few fun-filled cockslaps to lips and face until he is ready to cum. Right before the man cums he sticks the tip of his penis in the left nostril and cums, and the cum goes up and dips down the throat where you can play around with or pull it from eather side. (can be put in the right nostril but preferably the left)

Haig: Yeah so like i banged the shit out of her right?
Jon: Yeah..then what?
Haig: i saved my cum and thought should i give this bitch the armenian noodle dip?
Haig: you know i did.

by Allllllex August 9, 2006

3567πŸ‘ 513πŸ‘Ž