Source Code

Bougie Broke

Always Barely Having Adequate Funds In Cash, In The Account, Or On Credit Cards To Afford What You Are Trying To Purchase And KNOWING That You Need To Put That Money In Other Places Because You Are In Constant Danger Of Maxing Out Cards Or Being Broke Fr If You Keep This Up. But You’re Spoiled & You Can’t Tell Yourself No & Risk FEELING Broke. So You Buy It Anyway & Pray For The Best.

Regular Broke friend:
I WISH I could’ve gone shopping today too. But I’m broke.

Bougie Broke Friend: You know I’m broke too. I shouldn’t have been shopping but I’m being bougie broke until payday.

by iKams October 6, 2019

4👍 2👎

Bougie Blowie

An act of fellatio performed with a manual assist where the pinkies on the dominant hand remain in the culturally dictated "up" position.

She's so 1%, she even goes pinkies up when going down. Total bougie blowie queen.

by Ephemily October 10, 2017

2👍 1👎

bougie cheap

Someone who buys expensive things but complains about the prices and tries to get extra stuff and/or save little bits of money.

That dude is so bougie cheap. He said $20 was too much for a Manhattan, then ordered it anyway and asked for it strong.

by Sleeping Willow June 22, 2020

2👍 1👎

country bougie

To be bougie of the country atmosphere

I.E. Mirna D is looking country bougie with her boots on today.

by Yasbeee July 8, 2017

2👍 1👎

bougie ghetto

when a ghetto person is acting like he's part of the upper middle class; something you ask your friend if you can say when she announces she has invited a black girl on our ski trip

ghetto person #1: why she actin all bougie ghetto wit her readin abilities in the hood
white person #1: is that racist?
white person #2: no it's ok, go ahead and post it!

by maria44444444 December 29, 2007

81👍 180👎



Dang she bougie!!

by im.your.broski June 26, 2019

1👍 25👎


A word Ryland Adam's uses way too much.

Shane: Look at these Gucci slides!
Ryland: OMG! I need them, they're so bougie!

by prayforplagues666 August 5, 2018

1👍 24👎