Source Code

Camera eyes

he has camera eyes they just look at you

dudes named shawn have camera eyes

by biggestesporitefan August 4, 2021

Vine Camera

Vine Camera is what got rid of Vine. Twitter got rid of Vine and made Vine Camera. You can still make "Vines" that you cannot post to Vine. You can only post Vines to Twitter or save to your Camera Roll.

"Hey, did you hear what happened to Vine?"
"No, what happened?"
"They changed Vine to Vine Camera!"

by Camystery February 21, 2017


The act of sending a camera around the world and each person takes a photo of themselves and then sends it to another country!

"Graticule camera was becoming very famous around the world"

by ACoolEpicNinjaTurtle May 28, 2017

game camera

A hidden camera that used motion detectors to take pictures of deer and other animals.

Adam and his father found a game camera in the woods by his house and took it.

by Super Lizzy December 3, 2007

camera copy

poor film quality that is produced from refilming a movie as it shows in theatres.

i was eager to watch the new movie only to find out that Bob downloaded a camera copy.

by crazycarey February 17, 2014

Barrel the camera

When someone stares directly into a camera that is filming them, especially when they shouldn't be, such as an actor in a film. Equivalent to 'staring down the barrel of a gun'.

"I love it in Park and Rec when Andy does something stupid and Ben will barrel the camera with this look of confusion."

"Did you see the maid in the background of that scene? She's just barreling the camera the entire time."

by RakinJ September 21, 2019

Camera Ugly

When someone is attractive when not behind the camera, but appears non-attractive behind it. Can also be called "Facebook Ugly". This would be a horrible situation to be in if trying to explain to a friend how hot a guy is, but then their picture is horrible, causing the friend to think you're out of your mind for thinking the guy is hot. This usually happens to both genders over Facebook.

"Holy shit, this guy is hot forreal!"
"What the fuck, he's ugly!"
"No, come on, he's just Camera Ugly."


"I'd want to be be Facebook Ugly rather than Facebook Pretty, that's what Photoshop is for!"


"This chick is hot. Like, 'I'd tap that.' kind of hot."
"Eugh! Dude! She's ugly, just look at her."
"I swear to God she's not, she's just Camera Ugly!"
"Have you been smoking too many blunts?"

by ObsceneYouth December 1, 2011

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