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La Casa del Alfajor

Is a 2006 Peruvian commercial about an autistic kid that is doing a promotion about his parents business.


by Jonathan22 February 9, 2019


A school with a Bunch of fake depressed 6th graders . And Dumb as 7th graders plus 8th graders .

Casa is a Dumbass school

by Justafact^ October 18, 2019

Que Pasa tu casa mi casa

Que Pasa tu casa mi casa is a word. You say this when u are extremely confused, especially in math class. When the teacher writes something on the board and u have no idea what the hell she just write..dont be shy to just shout outQUE PASA TU CASA MI CASA”….this phrase may mean something different in Spanish. But, i re-invented this word into something new.

teacher: so this is why 97594488+i2u3i383 /97388383 is equal to 1
student: QUE PASA TU CASA MI CASA?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!
teacher: okay i’ll explain again……………………….

by beatbox4days November 13, 2023

Casa D. Nova

A boundless force of nature. His word is law, and all fodder (aka everyone but him), must bow down.

“Casa D. Nova’s opinion is 100% facts.”

by pirate_god September 5, 2022

Steteve alla casa

Literally "to encourage people to stay at home", this expression is used in Abruzzese dialect, from the Italian region of Abruzzo, to reiterate the importance of not crossing the line and minding your own business.

Volete giocare ancora dopo aver perso 10-0? Ma steteve alla casa va'...

by sefthesyan March 10, 2020

Taco Casa Fart

When you eat taco casa like the fatass you are and then you get hella gassy later.

"It stinks in here. Did you taco casa fart?"

by LendANiggaAPenicl April 29, 2018

La Casa Del Chorro

A place that smells like shit and pays like shit.

Smells like shit, pays like shit, must be a La Casa Del Chorro.

by Chayce1981 April 14, 2024