Teacher, my as s
Stalked, copied, pasted, and fake as s you are
Can't never go up to my level
Looking down, seeing you are with struggles
Writing these lines
Ideas are freely flowing out of my mind
You wrote a book
But it was as hard as squeezing out a po op
What took me less than 5 minutes to write
Took you almost half of your life to complete and sign
Go ahead and have a tantrum
'Cause I am not one of your reta rded fandom
Drinking tea while letting my poems sail
Your ginger ale is just so f stale
Tea cher, my as s.
L is for Love
O is for Open-minded
S is for Sassy
E is for Enlightenment
R is for Righteousness
Wait, don't be so happy just yet
'Cause I'm not complementing you, you bet
When things don't seem to describe (you), you'd better go or look to the Left side.
While watching me fly
with my rightwings spreading wide
Like a Phoenix roaring in the sky.
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If someone gives Cher vibes, it means that they could be part of the LGBTQ+ community, since Cher is a LGBTQ+ icon.
"Omg, he's giving Cher vibes. Do you think he's... you know... fruity?"
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famous singer shawn mendes once said “its giving cher” and now some presume he is a little 💅🏻 it is another word for the nails emoji which many use as a synonym to label someone as gay
*sees a fruity tiktok of a straight presenting person* “its giving cher.”
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A phrase used when someone is shocked or suprised.
Oh My Cher! He just ate that large Albanian woman's head off!
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That teacher who always walks around with a coffee cup-like water bottle in her hand even during lesson time.
“What’s the name of our Literature teacher?”
“The ‘cher with the fake coffee cup!”
1.A fucking bitch with nothing better to do
2. A person who loves to wank
3. Addicted to porn
4. Loves benji
"You wank Everyday, you're such a dao cher "
"Jihao stop watching porn, don't be a Dao Cher have Sex with Joshua
5. Kiefer is so Hot I want his dick