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Conch My Hole

The act of conching one's hole. An expression used to define a shitty experience or moment.

Faggot - "Dude do you want to go to church, and praise the lord?"
Rick - "No, I would rather conch my hole."

by stryfes13 December 9, 2013

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Magic Conch (Sex Position)

You have you'r lover sit on the bed and pull on her nipple and look deep into her vagina and ask "Oh magic conch shell may i insert my penis into her vagina", and if it respond's with "yes" then you may but if it respond's with "No" then get the will forever remain a virgin.

Oh Magic Conch (Sex Position) could i eat this super delicous ass ?


"OH BOY!".

by Faeiju October 12, 2019

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conch shell boost

when you are in a situation with your friends and you need to peace. just give the old conch shell boost some use.. cup your hands and let out a good "BAAOOOOOOOOST!!!"

The cops busted the party.. sound the conch shell boost. BAAOOOOOST!

by moe.pipes.groove May 24, 2009

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The Conch Spinner

When a male injects heroin into his/its system and attempts to jump a raccoon and mouth rape it. During the process of the mouth rape, the raccoon will bite off the penis, causing the male to yell in increasingly loud volumes, spraying blood all over an unfortunate elderly couple stupid enough to be sitting in the bench of all the shit going down.

Old lady- Oh my is that The Conch Spinner- OMG NOT ON ME EWWW.

by YourDrunkStepDad December 1, 2011


Anyone acting like a cunt at Sawyers' Truck Repair.

Cunt being c-u- next thursday, tuesday, toyotathon, thanksgiving etc.

Captain: Hey Mat? Why is Keith being such a conche?

Mat: I think its because he had to deal with a RichARD.

Captain: Makes sense to me....

by Tangaism69 June 8, 2011


A word used to describe Felton


by AmurDaddy September 16, 2020

Dead Conch

A girl the has no tits and is flat as the ocean on a calm day. Just not blue.

Damn i met a real dead conch very flat. I did and nothing was floopin

by Roast tut May 5, 2016