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Connecticut was the fifth state added to the nation. It is the second smallest state and is located on the Atlantic Ocean in between NYC and Boston. Some statistics about CT are: We are the richest state in the nation, we have the highest IQ, we have the highest rich to poor differential, we have the highest amount of intravenous drug use in the nation, and one of our cities for years was the heroin capital. On that note, CT is an often misunderstood state. People on the outside of CT tend to think of it as a rich an snobby state where people are perfect and get what they want. In reality CT is not what it seems. Sure we have some of the best private and public schools in the country, but that is only in select parts of the state. Some of us from CT went to schools that barely got accredited. Traditionally most people who live in CT are considered to be preppy. On the whole though we have a large variety of people. To the idea that only white people live in CT, this is thought by those outside of CT and those in the special and select towns, such as Greenwich and Westport. Not only do we have some of the highest rated cities in the nation, but we also have some of the lowest. We have people living in mansions and we have people living in cardboard boxes. Some things that are traditionally CT are: the terms shotty and shotty not, Northface jackets, girls in Northface jackets and flip flops in the winter, grinders, package stores that close before 9 and are not open on Sundays, love for two Major League teams (Yankees and Red Sox), raggies, getting cocked. Contrary to popular belief the majority of the state does not ride around in Mercedes and Hummers, the most common cars are Jetta and Taurus. We like to party in the woods. You have most likely been to the Meadows for a DMB concert and can only remember part of it. It is a love it or leave it state. Some people on in say Fairfield County will never leave because they have all that they will ever need. The rest of us who got the short end of the stick can't wait to get out. CT is characterized by: Mansion lined streets, pretty little shore towns, houses in the middle of nowhere (ie the woods), farm towns, and ghettos. One thing we lack our suburbs. While many think of suburbs when they think of CT there is actually no real suburbs here. Famous people in CT include Paul Newman, Martha Stewart, 50 Cent, Kevin Bacon, Glenn Close, Linda Evans and Katherine Hepburn.

Person 1: "Where are you from?"
Person 2: "Connecticut."
Person 1: Dude you must be like rich or something!"
Person 2: "Uh...no."

by Lexilouwho January 29, 2009

30πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž


Connecticut is THE BEST place you can be, no doubt about it. Not only are we the richest state in the world, we also KNOW we are. But, you guys make it sound like we ALL are so rich and snobby. All people from Connecticut are snobby, it's a fact, but we aren't all rich. And it definately isn't all white people. We got Puerto Ricans, Blacks, Whites, everything. We are snobby because we can be. We have something to show for it. We are the richest state, AND we have ghetto towns too. No wonder why all the stars have houses here. We are simply the best. No matter what you say about this state, it is the best, and nobody can beat it. The perfect town in Connecticut is Hamden, because it is not too rich, and not too poor. It borders SOME rich towns like Cheshire, and some poor towns like New Haven. Hamden High is the best, because the girls are the hottest and you know it. Connecticut has the hottest girls, hottest guys, and the hottest places. We have the Hamden Plaza which has a nail salon, bowling alley, stores, pizza, and much more. It's great for Hamden High chicks. Oh, and Hamden High is the best, because we don't have a strict dress code. Only the fat chicks get in trouble for dressing like skanks, so if you're skinny, hot, and popular, you're in. Well, now you know why us CT chicks are snotty to you other people- because we CAN be. Our state is the best, we are hot, and you know it. Don't confuse hate with jealousy. Ciao, and remember that Connecticut girls are the best-- join us, because we are so sexy, hot, and popular... If you don't either live in CT or act like a CT girl, you aren't cool with us.

CT chick and CA chick

CA: Hey, where are you from?
CT: Connecticut, you?
CA: California-- must suck not having lots of beaches.
CT: I could tell from the messed up manicure.(dirty look) You should really fix that.
CA: (walks away and says whatever)
CT: (calls up her friends)
CT: Tina, Chelsea, Kaitlin, I just dissed some Cali chick.
Tina: Good! Us CT chicks are fly, and we know it!
Kaitlin: That's right. Don't mess wit us!

by *$*$ CT Chick *$*$ July 14, 2006

45πŸ‘ 221πŸ‘Ž


Let me just say I don't think we are stuck up at all. I also don't believe we have an accent. Abercrombie and Fitch/ Hollister aren't expensive at all so I don't see what the big deal is about. I will admit I thought EVERYONE has been to Cape Cod but appraently not. I love having all
four seasons. A woman I know has a one floor (very small) house and it's worth 225,000 which is an average price for a house I suppose. Mine is 400,000 and it's a raised ranch. Neither of the houses have pools. The majority of 6th graders have cell phones (average age to get one). If you don't have one in 6th then most likely 7th. You can count the number of 8th graders on one hand who don't have one (I actually got mine in 5th). Oh yah, not everyone's preppy although the majority is. I don't believe polo's are really that preppy but okay. We are not stuck up snobs or anything and it's so annoying when people stereotype like that. I love designer things but not everyone does. Not all of us are spoiled but it depends on your definition of spoiled I guess. The day I turn 16 I am promised a car but it makes sence to get a car once you can drive doesn't it? I don't know what else to say so I'll stop here.

Okay, I was in Vermont this past winter (like 3 months ago) and I was talking to these people who were from Connecticut..too. We went skiing/snowboarding together and we talked to some people and every single time they asked, "Where are you from?" and we replied, "Connecticut," they either said, "WOW! so you're really rich?" or "Oh, okay talk to you later bye..." and left and it gets very annoying. This one girl even walked into me on purpose at the bottom of the hill! Please be nice and stop stereotyping.

by Kristinn. March 20, 2007

26πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž


How many Connecticuts exist?

Yankees or Red Sox (or Mets)?
Patriots or Giants?
Mid-Atlantic or New England?
Massachusetts or New York?
Parkway or Highway?
Sub or Grinder or Hero?
Mad or Wicked?
Guido Italian or Preppy WASP?
Beach or Shore?
Cape Cod or Jersey Shore?
Hot 'n Humid or Cold 'n Snowy?
Hartford or New Haven?
NYC or Boston?
Baseball or Lacrosse?
Jet Ski or Sailboat?
Party Animal or Book Worm?
Filthy Rich or Ghetto Poor?
Bodega or Liquor Store or Package Store?
'Youse' or 'You People'?

Connecticut is one state that just can't make up its mind...

Hey what's up?
Not much.
You're from Connecticut, right?
So basically that's like Mass?
Uh, no, not really...
Oh so then it must be just like New York?
Well, not quite either...
So what's it like then?!?!?
Don't know... it can't decide.

by Where do I live again? July 31, 2009

24πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž


One of the highest taxed states in the U.S. Commonly seen as the "rich state". The state where there is absolutely nothing to do besides work, drive around, go to Foxwoods/Mohegan Sun, or drink/do drugs.

Connecticut very rarely pumps out any pro or semi-pro athletes at all. Home to cities and counties such as Farfield (the rich part), New Haven (the wannabe NYC Bronx), Hartford (New England street racing central), and New London/Groton-Mystic County (the extremely boring part where the casinos call home).

If you want to move to a boring state then you can choose Connecticut.

Jake: Yo dawg, you're moving to Connecticut. What, did your parents hit the lotto or something?

Bill: Nah man, my dad got a job at Pfizer there. I have a pen-pal that lives there. He told me to prepare myself with a handgun, Abercrombie shirts, and a bottle of scotch.... Sounds like hell.

by cocklobsternmok;rano; March 18, 2009

23πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž


My native state, Connecticut. If you can spell it you must be from there. But where? Certainty not Fairfield County, that appendage of New York. We hear tell it was seized in colonial times because New York wanted Long Island. No, that is in NO WAY The Nutmeg State. And hey, we ARE the Nutmeg State, not some hoypaloy Constitution State, let’s be real. Yes, I am from Connecticut, New London County to be exact. We sometimes think we are the forgotten part. The Merritt Parkway and Berlin Turnpike don’t run through our part of the state. Hartford keeps neglecting to fund Route 11.

We are the quiet seafaring part of the state. Picturesque harbors, quaint small towns and a deep Swamp Yankee heritage. Corn fields growing in the summer sun and ton of apples and apple cider in the fall from our numerous farms. Yup, we still have them. We also have those New England accents, us and Windham County to the north. We are diehard BoSox fans, Celtics, Bruins and Pats, too. We are where Whalers put out in the hunt for whale oil and where the first ship powered by atomic energy set sail as well. Today it rests as a national monument, moored in the Thames River at the main gate of the United States Submarine Base New London in Groton. We also have the most popular attractions in the state, Mystic Marinelife Aquarium and The Mystic Seaport. Oh, and did I mention our Native Americans? Their creative buisness side burst forth and spawned two mega casinos and show places, Mohican Sun and the largest casino in the world, Foxwoods.

Yup, we ARE Connecticut

Swamp Yankee: "Where you from"?
Fairfield Resident: "Connecticut"!
Swamp Yankee: "By golly so am I. What part"?
Fairfield Resident: "Fairfield".
Swamp Yankee, in disgust. "That ain't Connecticut you are an branch of New York City, not fit for human beings to live in"!

by Connecticut Yankee February 8, 2007

21πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž


a place where all the kids go to rich private schools. they all compete at what ivy colleges they want to go to from the age of 12. if you go to boarding school its not uncommon. many rich famous people have five houses in kent,ct or wilton,ct.
kids work their asses off starting from grade school just to brag about what colleges they want to go to.getting an -A is not spectacular its expected. the end.
you have three houses and maybe an apartment building on the upper east side. all the teenagers have bmw's. they spend all their parents money and use it to buy drugs... many people are rich but they don't have to say anything because well.. it shows.

1:" what college do you want to go to?"

2: columbia. duh

1: but you got like a 900 on the sat's. your dumb as bricks.

2: well both my parents went their and they will buy me in

1: oh i see you must be from Wilton,ct

you know you live in connecticut when

you go to boarding schools like
kent,canterbury, marvelwood, andover choate,

you have three different tutors

one for ... school, SAT's and another language

all the kids pretend its so lame when they really love it

in a school of over 2,000 only five black kids can be found. if your lucky. you will rarely find any hispanics maybe an asian but that only if you go to boarding school

when your best friends are from turkey, california, nantucket, nepal.. and your met them at boarding school when you were sent away at age 14-18

everyone where burkenstocks or uggs

if you dont own an iphone people think your poor

all of the females 25 and under wear a side pony tail with leggings and uggs no matter what season it is

all the kids go to cancun on weekends

when you live down the street from oscar de la renta

when there are hardly any street lights

everyone is asleep at 7

the students have 2 cars by age 20

everyone goes to a tropical islands during

winter break

perfection is a life style

most people go to private schools

new canan, westport,wilton, darian are for snobs

there are pointless stores like chicos and posh,and gator

you have to drive everywhere

skiing and snowboarding become a way of life

when you have a nanny and a maid

when everyone is skinny

when the mothers are thinner than their teenage daughters

living in brigeport is social suicide

all the rich kids buy drugs

when like and um is used in every sentence

your rich and you know it ..

when any college besides princeton isnt an option

your fluent is spanish and french from your nannys that
raised you

when you can show everyone martha's exact adress

when your living in oprahs old house

when your parents are richer than denzel washighton

when your parents adopt more kids from forgein countries than angelia jolie

when you have a vietmanese adopted brother

when your parents go to parties with hugh heff

when you can name at least 10 famous people from hollywood that live in your town

when you see kira sedgwick in the grocery store and it doesn't phase you

when you take the train to the city for fun cause its less than an hour away

you have a house worth more than halle berrys child or the state of California

everyone pops their collar

when in a school on 2,000 there are only 4 black kids

you think new haven is as ghetto as harlem

your best friend is from turkey or some exotic place

you have to own some sort of patagonia or north face( bookbag, fleece

when you never go without

if you don't own at least 1 coach or burberry item everyone questions your existence

the only acceptable polo shirt is ralph lauren or lacoste

when lacrosse and soccer moms run the show

when tennis is the only spring sport played

by Julia alexis. the hippie March 20, 2009

21πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž