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King Curtis

A temperamental seven year old who possesses an unbelievable amount of power in his kingdom(house). He can be found at demolition derbies, eating chicken nuggets or fiercely guarding his stash of bacon. He strongly dislikes fitness instructors named Joy, and you'll never see his face again if you make him feel like he's a "sorry person".

Example 1:
*Joy takes away his bacon*
King Curtis: Hey! I need to tell ya something! Bacon is good for me!

Example 2:
*King Curtis storms to his room*
King Curtis: Out of the blue, she thinks she's a smart lil girl and she can do whatever she wants. No! That's not what she can do in mah family. She acting like she the queen, and we're the sorry people!

by Donald Reynolds June 18, 2013

Sodapop Curtis

A character from the Outsiders; completely beautiful. He is gorgeous. Book by S.E. Hinton

Girl 1: I love Sodapop Curtis so much!
Girl 2: You make a move toward him and I will rip you limb from limb.
Girl 1: Ummm...

by sodapoplover May 19, 2016

Dirty Curty

When you’re sucking on a girls titties and you cum on your stomach.

We didn’t fuck last night, but I did get a dirty curty.

by Definitley your Dad October 16, 2023

Curtis Wood

an erection that a heterosexual man gets when thinking of or from looking at another man.

I don't want you to think I'm gay, but I got curtis wood after seeing Brad Pitt shirtless in Troy.

by brownwood August 19, 2011

Curtis Ward

Curtis is the former guitarist of the deathcore band Bring Me The Horizon. He worked with them on their EP This Is What The Edge Of Your Seat Was Made For, and for their first two albums Count Your Blessings and the amazing Suicide Season. Curtis was born deaf in one ear, and partially blind. As he could not afford earplugs every time he was playing he was damaging his other ear, which developed a bad ringing in it, which increased every time he played so much that he ended up having to smoke weed just to get him high enough to sleep at night.

Curtis was in a Metallica tribute band with Bring Me The Horizon lead guitarist Lee Malia (also Curtis' best friend) before they were in Bring Me The Horizon.

Curtis left Bring Me The Horizon after the Taste Of Chaos tour in America.

Stupid person: 'Curtis Ward is just a pretty face, he doesn't care about his music, he just cares about the haircut!'

Normal person: 'Fuck off, Curtis is damaging his hearing and giving up so much for this music, so if you think otherwhise you can go fuck yourself because you have no clue what shit he has been through!'

by artgenbheijin March 29, 2009

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Andrew Curtis

A hot and sexy Minecraft Bedwars streamer, he also plays other games but mostly Minecraft. His sense of humor is phenomenal.

Girl: Have you heard of this new, funny, hot, and sexy Minecraft streamer?
Friend: Andrew Curtis? Yeah, I started watching him a few days ago.

by vvinn June 15, 2021

Darrel Curtis

A 20 year old greaser from the 1960's novel The Outsiders. Darrel or "Darry" is the older brother of Ponyboy and Sodapop. He takes the role of the adult in their home because their parents died in a car accident. He truly loves Pony and Soda, but shows it by being stern and protective only because he doesn't want Pony and Soda to be moved to a boy's home. He is 6'2 and very muscular. It is mentioned he looks exactly like his late dad, but with different eyes. Ponyboy describes his eyes as "two pieces of pale blue green ice". He looks older than he is. Darry is also the unofficial leader of the gang. Darry also is really smart and is very athletic. He also really wants Pony to go to college because he and Soda missed out on that bright opportunity. Darrel does want to go back to college but won't because he doesn't have the money and because he doesn't want to leave Ponyboy and Sodapop alone.

*Credits to the Outsiders Wiki*

You're so tall and strong and have nice hair, like Darrel Curtis.

by Jaladdin May 14, 2015