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idiots who think their opinion matters and are all racist asf

Kanye West, Candace Owens, Joy Villa, John James: Trump 2020!
Liberal/Democrat: You can’t be black and support Donald Trump
Also Democrats: if you are white and don’t support BLM you’re racist!

by christmastreeeater12 December 3, 2020

108πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


democratic principles are generally based on equality, toleration, and justice (unlike the self-serving, selfish policies of the republican party)

for example:

1)abortions are sometimes necessary to protect the health and life of a woman, especially in cases of rape, incest and danger to the mother. republicans prefer to criminalize abortion. democrats do not support abortion, they support the CHOICE to have an abortion. no mother would make that choice unless she absolutely had to.

2)citizens born into low income families and neighborhoods are born in a difficult situation that is hard to escape and should be assisted by the government through social welfare programs so they can take steps to escape poverty and prevent the cycle from recurring. this would solve many inner city problems such as gang violence and drug abuse. welfare is not a handout, it is a program, and without it many americans would have nothing.

3)there is no need for every american citizen to own a gun. this amendment in the constitution was referring to a time of war when the battles were being fought in the home country. putting guns in the hands of civilians is putting guns in the hands of criminals - because criminals are civilians after all. also, thousands of accidental deaths occur every year as a result of keeping a gun in the home and the possession of a gun is dangerous and easily abused.

4) taxes are necessary to build roads, fund schools and fund other social programs that are necessary for a healthy and succesful society. many americans are allergic to the idea of "raising taxes" but democrats believe that higher taxes are better than low taxes and underfunded schools. after all, all taxes we pay contribute to the quality of the society that we ourselves live in.

5) capital punishment is not justice, it is murder. there is no "eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" because humans have no right to play God and decide whether another human deserves to live or die. a life of imprisonment is no slap on the wrist and is the closest to justice that a civilized society can come. we are the only non-third-world country where capital punishment is still legal and through mistakes made in the justice system, several innocent or partially innocent people have been killed.

7) the "American way" is not the only way. this country is the bully on the global playground and democrats believe that attentions should be more focused on the problems at home, such as the economy. most other countries either despise the USA or make fun of it and repeatedly using words such as "liberty" and "freedom" (for example "freedom fries") is pure propoganda.

democrat and proud of it

by annawisc August 5, 2006

1659πŸ‘ 922πŸ‘Ž


Those who vote based on irrelevant factors (id est, gender, race, charisma, et cetera).

"As a Democrat, I voted for Barrack, because we need a black man in the White House."

by T.T.T. March 28, 2009

64164πŸ‘ 3108πŸ‘Ž


A political party of libtards for libtards. A political philosophy based on:
1) Support of the most popular and radical social justice issue. If rainbow coloured unicorns wished to transition into pineapples, then democrats would initiate a mass media campaign with additional funding for grassroots transition centres for pineapple inclined unicorns.
2) Excessive funding and spending is secured by printing cash on demand. The consequences of a devalued dollar, increased costs and inflation are ignored completely. Democrats are economically irresponsible.
3) Radical bias. Every opposing view, regardless of how fact based or valid, will be denounced as racist, bigoted or a part of fascist/nazi ideology. Events are cherry picked and a false narrative is imposed upon the opponent's view. This is ironic considering that the democrats historically supported slavery and the KKK. Incessantly supported, without criticism or balanced reporting by mainstream media and commentators on CNN, ABC and MSNBC.
4) Government is the only source of salvation. Citizens are too stupid or incapable of making the correct decision so the democrats are willing to enforce an authoritarian solution upon the public. The democrats will fight for freedom by removing the freedoms of all citizens to support their ideology.

5) Uncontrolled immigration and open voting rights to ensure that the democrats party remains in power. By allowing noncitizens to vote, one can completely ignore the concerns of genuine citizens. Open voting rights will remove any claims of election fraud, since it will be legal for anyone to vote without tracking their identity. Vote early, vote often and assist the dead and non-residents to vote as well.
6) Hypocrisy. One can argue for against related issues without any compulsion to face reality. If there is no truth nor false ideas, then you can believe anything at anytime. If opponents accuse you of hypocrisy, then accuse them of the errors you yourself have committed.
7) Anti-nationalism. Nationalism is evil and reinforces objective history, individual freedoms, justice and opportunities within society. This needs to be squashed at all costs. Supporters need to be self-hating and ashamed of their history and nation. If supporters are white, then they need to display greater shame and self sacrifice than any other ethnic group.
The democrat party is the least democratic and most fascist party in modern politics. Also known as Demoncrats.

Dwenzil: The democrats have released statistics indicating that the white population of the US is less than 50% for the first time in history!

Wisteria: OMG! Let us celebrate by marching for rainbow unicorn rights in Slovakia while denouncing Republicans as the children of Hitler.

by doug1ness July 4, 2022

218πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


A member of the more left-leaning of the two American political parties.

Generally supports government-assisted healthcare, gun restrictions, welfare, and education.

My friend Dan is a Democrat.

by Leif420 September 11, 2020

117πŸ‘ 163πŸ‘Ž


An idealistic, supposedly liberal political party that alienates all moderates with its stubbornness, hence a jackass as the mascot.

For example, many moderate liberals find themselves alienated by the extreme liberals' insistence on political correctness and intolerance to religion.

As one party in the two-party system in America, they are half of the problem.

Antonym: Republican

bias mothafuckers (democrats and republicans) should do some thinking for themselves instead of using websites such as urbandictionary for propaganda. give tolerance a chance or something like that

by m4rx0rz July 4, 2006

4255πŸ‘ 2595πŸ‘Ž



Democrats are commie bastards who fought for slavery and against the rights of minority peoples.

The American party of the southern states that failed to secede in 1881-1885. The democratic party is one of two original political parties created in 1787, 11 years after the signing of the American declaration of independance.

"We already have one n-word big shot and we don't need anymore" -Joseph R Biden

by JFK's brains January 30, 2021

253πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž