Donald Duck is a well known cartoon character.
He shouln't be confused with a shitface.
My favorite character is Donald Duck!
A special ed kids favorite non existent person who is more slow than stupid and probably in a mental hospital like you.
"Ay man hope you don't mind if I call you a Donald duck?'
"Tf a donald duck"
"A mental special ed kid"
A anamorphic cartoon duck created by antisemitic sadist Walt Disney. Well known to suffer from bipolar disorder hence going into manic rages. Walks around in public without pants . Most known for the big controversy in Who Framed Roger Rabbit while performing piano with Daffy Duck, gets angry and calls him a gosh darn stupid nigger!!
Donald when he first meets Daisy. Hey I'm Donald Duck and I want to fuck!!
To wear a shirt but no pants, like Donald Duck.
The weather's pretty nice and warm today, I might Donald Duck it.
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That's Donald Ducking Word.
When you wait shirt-on and no pants to your lover
Probably after he goes for milk at wallmart or cigars at the store.
"I forgot to buy milk at the store so I asked my partner to get it and pulled a Donald Ducking"