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emo boy

Emo boys (also known as scenes) are retarded, lying, annoying kids who look down on everyone, just because they think they are so cool. The most often place to find them is the internet, whereas they are obsessed with taking pictures of themselves while shirtless, even though they have the skinniest, whitest and most unattractive bodies, and talking about their (fake) problems, because they are oh so hot and cool. Their internet names are normally between the lines of XxemoboyxX1109, for the common emo, XxsinistercutsxX for the hardcore emo (pretensive and retarded nontheless, the only difference is that the vast majority claim to cut themselves, even if they don't, and if they do, its rare), and XxxlovefordinosxxX for the, er... more feminine type. The next most common place to spot the emo boys is at the shopping mall. You would know which kid is emo by their retarded clothing. They normally wear 'way too skinny' skinny jeans (the reason why most of the walk so weirdly), mainly black, and black band t-shirts. Their hair is always jet- black and extremely straight . Some of them sport blonde highlights and 'coon' tails, and all of them, I say ALL of them, wear Converse, and straighten their hair for hours every morning, right after putting on the eyeliner that they got their best girl friend to buy them (because being seen buying eyeliner is totally faggy, but wearing some isn't, of course).

(Damn. I even had to change boxes cuz my hatin' was so long) When it comes to defending their emo-ness, they always follow a pattern. First, they make up a fake story about how they've come to be emo, and how they have so many problems and like to cut themselves. Second, they defend their 'individuality', saying that it is a 'unique' way of expressing themselves (because there are NOT thousands of emo kids already that wear the exact same clothing they do, say the exact same things they do, and look the exact same way they do). They always say they can play the guitar, and, while most of them do have one, none of them can actually play one. They also claim that they write dark, sad songs and poetry. This isn't exactly a lie, because they do write songs, but they're so crappy and retarded they shouldn't really be called songs, and more like 'a vomit inducing mess of words bought only to the world to bring pain to the innocent'.

In conclusion, they suck, they should explode, and I will never stop hoping that the metalheads, hiphoppers, neutral people, pirates and ninjas (emos suck so much that even THEY joined forces) will go rouge on them and terminate them for good. (Hell, Ill even throw gangstas in there if it just stops the bitches already).

I have no doubt that emo boys will read this, hate me for writing it, click on the thumbs down button and continue writing their vomit inducing mess of words brought only to the world to bring pain to the innocent.

by Milla15 June 25, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo boy

A male usually aged 14-19 who is too weak and feels as if the world hates him so he cuts himself and listens to music that in later years blows his eardrums out and makes him deaf. Emo boys usually dress as if they don't care how they look but in reality they wake up 6 hours early in the morning to get ready for the day. Emo boys try to make themselves look as if they are the "perfect" boyfriends when in reality they trick females into dating them just to get into their pants.

Emo boys love the taste of blood and before they go to bed they usually cut themselves and cry in their pillows about how bad their life is when in reality they have it better than 70% of the United States population. Emo boys also never cut their hair and wear it to one side, they look like little kids whos balls haven't dropped.

Emo Boy: "I hate life, I hate myself, I hate my parents, I hate everything that moves."

Normal Guy: Shut the fuck up you queer.

Emo Boy: "Cries"

by BiPolarBear18 December 7, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo boy

A boy who covers most of his face with his hair; 90% of the guys think that girls will think that they are beautiful (attention to girls, you cannot see their face, how is that "hott").

They think that "emo" girls can "save their hearts" and make their life worth living.

They hate when people who are not emo call them emo, even though when the boys are in 6th grade/middle school this went through their head. "OHHHHH, I like the way these people dress, maybe i'll be cooler as an emo. Ok, so i'll go home and die my hair, buy some BIGGG ristbands, and then i'll be emo. I'll be cool. I'll get SOOOOO much attention"

So yeah, emo's are lame. and yeah, they should totally get over themselves, their emorexic bodies, their style, and their Rock & Roll on estrogen music.

Im not saying that they are bad people, and that they are liars. I am just saying that I am right about them, and they just hate that about me.

"omg, im such an emo boy. but i'll get mad when everyone calls me emo, cuz im so SCENEEE!"

by KillerCB March 19, 2007

37๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo boy

Kids who dye the hair black and for some reason see the need to cry and wear girl pants all the time while cutting themselves for attention while listening to Hawthorne Heights.

Also known as the kids whos asses I kick on a day-to-day basis.

some emo boy- "wanna come to the bathroom to cut your wrist and cry with me?"
Me- "no.... you gay..."
Some emo boy- "thats it im kicking your ass your ass!"
Me- "no your not..."
some emo boy- "yes i----"
then I knock the emo boy the fuck out

by Loganisdbomb June 8, 2006

51๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo boy

A bunch of tool bags, whom are fond of bands like "fall out boy" and "punk rock" bands that enjoy complaining about their in-ability to get girldfriends and their obvious problem of being a bitch. They also wear tight clothes that make most straight people want to slap them, for being stupid and thinking that they could fit into clothes that wouldnt even fit a 4 year old.
not only do these "boys" committ homocide fashion but they also are convinced that they can play music. not all, but most are in some kind of lame band, that go through band members like condoms. These kids are the worst singers and even though they are convinced they are rebeling, they are just conforming to the countries newest fad, of being a complaining tampon. the world would truely be a better place, if they "accidentally" were all run over by a dump truck.
they also are really un-athletic and quit all their sports or never even played sports in the first place, because they are only conforming to societys need for athlets.
it is appearent to me that these kids have been rejected once in their life and cannot deal with the fact that not everyone likes them, so they turn to the "dark side" of society and become a self hating bitch.

josh: you know that joe kid?

me: yeah the one who stays at home and practices playing his guitar all day because he has no friends and is socially challenged? you mean the one who ripped his shirt the other day because he bend over, and the same one who shops for girls clothing and enjoys staring at the mirror more then life? and the same one who has ADD and draws pictures of death on his folders in school because hes failing everyclass? the same kid who quit every sport he used to play because the pants werent tight enough for him?

josh: yeah thats him, the emo boy!

by conor March 19, 2006

51๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo boy

A fag, who sits in the dark and cries about sandwiches.

Danny Allott sat in the dark and cried because is sandwich was lost.

by Jk February 25, 2005

93๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo boy

Skinny, efeminate girly-boys who dress in black a lot. If you're lucky, one of them may even have a studded dog-collar round his neck. They look like piss-weak goths; aren't even strong enough to get THAT right. Laughable attempt at "individuality" by dressing and acting towards a pre-existing code-- at least goths listen to cool music!

John: "Dude, I accidently knocked that Emo bitch over and he was so weak he apologized to me!"
Jake: "Mother.... Let's smash the bitch!"
Everyone else in the room: "YEAH!!!!"

by benjiboy January 6, 2005

83๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž