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50 fills

An arab in the United Arab Emirates who wish he was 50 Cent. The arab version of a wigga. Usually drives daddy's white Range Rover, Land Cruiser or H3.

The dirham currency in the UAE holds 100 fills per dirham, hence the arabized version of 50 Cent.

- Ahmed: Ay yo yo yo habibi, keif halik dawg? *kisses his buddies*
- Jorge: Gee, 50 fills just arrived.

by habibi63764 January 5, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

in-fill relationship

a type of relationship in which at least one party concerned (a) has little or no real romantic interest in the cooperating party (b), but engages in a relationship for emotional and/or physical fulfilment, financial security, etc., with the hope of finding someone they genuinely wish to be with in the mean time.

it is possible for the cooperating party (b) to be aware of in-fill relationship status and continue in relationship. however, most instances of such are due to a total lack of dignity as well as a willingness to accept whatever conditions and requisites said relationship has, regardless.

it is also possible, however rare, to be involved in a double in-fill relationship. this is not to be confused with a fuck buddy. whereas an in-fill relationship not only has all of the appearances, but does in fact exercise, the majority of activities of a real relationship.

"dude, i think jen totally just used me as an in-fill relationship..."

"looked real to me."

"it sure felt real..."

by taylor lowery August 9, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Weed Filled

Something filled with weed.

I ate a weed filled sandwich

by yourrealname6969foursome January 21, 2018


Having sex to orgasm with a woman vaginally


by neverlad February 11, 2015

Filled beaver

Guy orgasam with no condom into vagina.

Filling hot pussy with cum. Filled beaver with protine

by Billiejo69 October 20, 2013

Teeth Filling

When you are fucking her mouth so hard, it knocks a chunk of her tooth out and you soon fill it with your jizz

"I gave Becky the old teeth filling last night."

"When John gave me the teeth filling last night, it fucked up my teeth and the dentist said it had to be removed."

by Join Meme Cuisine December 11, 2018

Lemon Filling

n. - Any amount of left over urine on the underside of a toilet seat.

You can avoid leaving a lemon filling by lifting up the toilet seat before you pee.

by Up4Ownage March 31, 2011