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A ginger bastard

Used as an insult against a ginge eg. "he such a finn"

by HamesTheGingeAnnihilator September 27, 2021

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


To shit yourself and throw up at the same time after threatening to kill yourself and then grabbing some guy's balls afterwards. Usually happens after being slapped about by some meaty scousers.

Guy 1: Dude I had such a bad weekend
Guy 2: Dude why?
Guy 1: I did a TOTAL Finn. Shat myself and threw up at the same time!
Guy 2: Duuuuuuuuuuude you're on Finn ice!

by BeardedCurves May 1, 2012

48πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


Some fucking idiot on a tv show who's gay for someone named John, some kid with a sword and a weird looking hat, a black guy in star wars, or post malones biological homeless step-son

Finn: Hi john
John: "fingers finn's ass"
Finn: The fuck.

by You sad human January 8, 2019

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


The world's ugliest dog. He smells like barbequed shit with a hint of rotting ass. Finn is the joke of all dogs. He's worse than the under dog. He's the under dogs' bitch.

Kid 1: Whose dog is that?
Kid 2: Thats Thad Sander's dog!
Kid 3: GRODY finn

by Charles Carmikael November 1, 2014

20πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


a strange and interesting character, just a Finn

"he is such a Finn"

by gloo.miee February 24, 2022


Finn is a person who likes Euro Truck Simulator 2 and wants to drive when he is older. He also has a younger sister who is a crazy cat girl.

Finn likes a lot of games, but hates a lot of food.

by GoldenEagle99 May 17, 2020


An extremely intelligent, small security dog who guards his neighborhood with his life. Protects family, hates strangers. Lives in the suburbs. Loves snuggles. Extremely handsome. Both feared and admires by neighborhood dogs.

He’s such a Finn! The whole neighborhood is scared of him!

by Las Colinas Suburbs August 19, 2022