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An awesome German kid who doesn't talk a lot at first.
Pale, really blonde, and has a very German nose.
Makes silly immature jokes, but is actually very deep.

"Who's that really pale blonde kid over there?"
"...They call him Da Germanator."

by Em-ah-Flea January 2, 2009

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


To put things in the proper order. Nice and clean.
To have an obsession with tidiness.

To force it to everyone else around you.

One can germanize objects, situations, people, or all of the above.

One does not have to be originally from Germany to be able to germanize.

Can you help me germanize my bookmarks? I can never find anything in this mess!

by A+K From The Hills March 1, 2011

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1. A language whose arcane grammar can drive you crazy.

2. Something of German origin; i.e., beer or cars.

3 A resident of Germany; person of German descent. Typically, a mellow, intelligent thinking creature, invariably polite, living in the area of land commonly known as Germany, a lush, wooded land with the Alps to the south, gentle, rolling hills in the center, and the North Sea to the North.

The typical German is even-tempered, tolerant, respectful, practical, and somewhat skeptical and pessimistic by nature. German men are far less sexist than American men, and are more prone to marriage. Germans, though, typically have small families.

A German tends to be a lover of nature, well-organized, frugal and efficient. They seldom lose their tempers- if you go to a German bar, people are usually friendly and happy, unlike an American bar, where people start fights.

Germans love fast cars, motorcycles, good beer, pretzels, taking lots of holidays, and walking in nature. Germany is a great place for the outdoors, and people love hiking, camping and cycling.

Germans are often tastelessly dressed, and German women often wear atrocious clothes. German food is OK, if you like pork. German bread, on the other hand, is excellent. It doesn't matter, though, because German people mostly eat Italian and French food.

Germans make the best engineers, computer scientists, and technicians. They never go anywhere without their "handies" (cell phones), they're mad about soccer, and they love to have a festival. They take a day off for every holiday, including all-saint's day, May Day and the assumption of the Virgin Mary (despite the fact that most Germans don't go to church often). The biggest parties are Karneval and the Love Parade.

They typical German hates extremes and extremists of all kinds, including neo-nazis, who comprise a hated minority in the country. Most people are moderate in their beliefs. There are lots of political parties in Germany, including the Green Party, who helped turn Germany into the biggest purveyor of solar power and electric windmills.

Germans don't neccesarily dislike any group of people; Germans often visit France, England, the US, Eastern Europe, Turkey and the Mediterranean. Often, though, other nations have prejudices about Germans. Germany is ethnically mixed, though, and lots of Germans marry non-Germans.

1. How do you translate the German word "unwahrscheinlichkeit"?
2. This German wheat beer- Franziskaner Weissbier"- is excellent.
3. Look at that cute German techie guy over there.

by Tabitha Elkins May 28, 2006

98πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


The original Germanator (Germanator 3.11) was destroyed in battle with the first installment of the Belgianoid BETA Version.

The Germanator 3.11's pitiful remains were collected and used to create the far superior Germanator XP, who, to this day, continues to roll joints and kick ass without showing any signs of mechanical failure. Runs on high concentrations of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol.

"Grrr!" says the Germanator XP.
"Ahh!!" screams the bored spectator; inanimately.

by Mr. Stab June 10, 2004

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A nation of people who are fanatical about David Hasselhoff, and when they go to beaches--either in their own or in other countries; they're always digging holes!

Did you see that? Hasselhoff was running down the beach and fell in a hole. It was those damned Germans again!

by Anonymous November 8, 2003

283πŸ‘ 236πŸ‘Ž


Any persons who have been or will be surrendered to by someone who is french.

*the french flag has been changed to pure white, and is saluted by waving it in the direction of germany"

by LA LA LA LA LA LA LA October 18, 2004

218πŸ‘ 180πŸ‘Ž


German is one of a kind, he will laugh with and at you. No matter what, keep him. Cause deep down he really cares for you. He is the type of person to forever be by your side. Yes, he maybe get annoyed by you, but maybe it’s hard for him to love or care. He is amazing. He is powerful and hilarious!

One example:
β€œGerman is a bit weird”

β€œNo he isn’t, he will stay by your side no matter what, so what if he’s a bit odd? Aren’t we all?

by CynthiaTheKindOne November 23, 2021