My 7X-grandfather is a good person.
To be friends with someone only because you’ve known them for so long.
You may not necessarily like the person they become and might even find their presence annoying but you still tolerate them because it’s just easier.
The only reason why she still tolerates her is because they are in a grandfathered friendship.
When you slide into someone’s DMs that you had a crush on but haven’t seen or spoken to in 30+ years.
Me: You remember Christy from high school?
Friend: yea, You crushed on her bad
Me: I grandfathered her last night on Facebook. I’m still crushing on her.
A friendly way to acknowledge friends that have been with you a lifetime; someone who you’ve known so long , you consider them part of the family. By saying they’re grandfathered in, is an acknowledgment of that special bond.
“You’ve been around here so long you’ve been ‘grandfathered’ into our family by now.”