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human guinea pig

Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is so human guinea pig.

by MEDERINHO March 30, 2016

Guinea pig

Scientific name is Cavia porcellus. Guinea pigs are some of the cutest littel things on earth. They make the cutest noises u can ever hear, are cute and chubby, and fulla fun!!

My guinea pig can do all sorts of tricks.

by AsianPowerr666 May 5, 2020

Guinea Pigs

The cutest animal on Earth.

Guinea Pigs must be some amazing pets. :)

by DinoTheBest123 December 27, 2022

Guinea pig

A cute, furry rodent that enjoys eating hay and veggies. They have a built in motion tracker that can dectect nearby movement. They also have a nose that can sniff veggie treats from half metre radius. Their necks have a 180 degree rotation view and they can swiftly turn out pellets from their rear end. Their mouth can chomp on anything it desires; lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, hay, paper and more. They are easy to raise as a pet in the right circumstances. Just beware, they don't care about your suffering while cleaning for them!

Joe: Wait, where's my veggies?
Theo: The guinea pigs stole them.
Joe: Of course they did!

by GuineaPigMaster February 27, 2017

Guinea Pig

A very squeaky animal that needs food 100% of the time. When they hear anything that is similar to their treats opening or food bags, they start to scream with excitement which most people interpret as; FOOD I WANT FOOD GIVE ME FOOD.

"My Guinea Pig is a food hog."
"Guinea Pigs are strange but adorable creatures."
"Guinea Pigs are great pets."
"I have a Guinea Pig, It is a lot of work."

by Sailor May April 16, 2020

guinea pigs

when a couple argues real bad all the way home. then they prepare food while still arguing hurting each others' feelings like its nothing. during dinner they chew snaringly and fight over ridiculous stuff like buying 600g of plums instead of 500. then they wash the dishes and tidy up calling each other names ("useless whore", "brainless brick") and insulting families. then they watch the news while threatening to end their relationship, both of them hardening out of delusions of pride, honour, dignity. neither one willing to simply change their perspective for a minute to witness the comedy of their scene.

at five to twelve the couples' two guinea pigs start procreating in their cage facing the bewildered, silenced couple. a lot of wheezing, puffing and blowing, stamping and trampling.

by Krkič October 15, 2019

Guinea pig

It’s a pig

A Guinea pig is a pig

by #1lionsfan November 22, 2021