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Porn Guru

a person who is able to find the good porn on a website before it finishes loading.

Dave: Ok go!
Lance: Ok...uh..uh.. THERE!
Dave: Ew wtf dude. Shemale porn. Ew. FAIL! You are not the Porn Guru!
Lance: Haha. I dont care. The sites giving you a virus right now.
Lance: PWN3D!

by Angrypig16 December 7, 2007

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Guru Shwarmi

An all mighty power that will help you in times of need.

"ohh i need help who will help me. Guru Shwarmi. He fixes everything",or "Dont worry about it Guru Sharwmi will fix it"

by Nathan Miles November 30, 2006

computer guru

Someone who is extremely skilled with computers. A step above your run-of-the-mill computer genius.

When the Internet stopped working, Dave installed an Internet proxy server on his phone (which still had Internet), and reconfigured their wireless router to forward TCP/IP packets through his phone so that his family could still watch Netflix on their laptops. He is quite the computer guru!

by guy354 February 13, 2016

Booty Guru

An Instagram influencer who sell products and gives advice, with a following primarily based on the aesthetics of their physical appearance, in many cases, their booty.

Girl, don’t buy that tea just because your booty guru told you too!

by MorganSchneider69nice December 31, 2021

travel guru

A travel Guru loves to talk travel, hear travel and meet travelers; he or she lives and breaths for traveling. A Travel Guru has experience of vagabonding and although they might decide to settle down in one place ,he or she always has the urge to travel and explore new destinations.

They know their visited places inside and out, such as things to do, attractions to visit, people and all the good stuff.

The term 'Travel Guru' is popularized by 'World Inside Out', a company that facilitates authentic traveling.

I saw San Francisco like an insider by contacting a Travel Guru.
A Travel Guru knows about all the hidden gems of his or her previously visited countries.

by Woyout August 14, 2015

Gram Guru

Someone with a really nice or an aesthetically pleasing Instagram

Maisy: Have you seen this girls Insta?
Nelly: No, show me
Maisy: She’s a Gram Guru, prepare to be pleased

by secretlyimagoat May 27, 2018

Guru Gossip

An internet forum where fans and haters of Youtube gurus can rave or rant about their favorite or least favorite Youtube guru; users can also create other posts related to local or national news or just celebrity gossip in general.

They also somehow believe they are better than the "lying" and "deceitful" gurus and helping make the universe a better place by sitting around on a computer all day bashing semi successful/popular girls who make videos for a living isn't exactly the prime example of honorary, dignified or respectful.

"The most disliked youtube beauty gurus on Guru Gossip are the Fowler sisters(Juicystar07/Allthatglitters21) and Michellephan."

by Candaygurlll June 6, 2012

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