The sound made when a conventional 12oz aluminum can that's holding a carbonated beverage is opened, releasing pressure.
I used to love getting drunk, the sound of the old "hiss and pop".
something that people from the reptilian brotherhood (LeafyIsHere viewers) say
Person 1: do you watch LeafyIsHere?
The sound you hear just before death
So I am planing on placing some stone slabs here- *hiss* OH SHI-
When someone is a total beta, normie and incel att the same time.
Verb: To take a draw on an electronic vaporiser device, colloquially a vape.
Noun: A vaporiser device.
Local to Hawke’s Bay, NZ.
Micah: chur g got us a hiss cuz
Riley: nah get fucked cunt buy your own hiss