Source Code


Talking- Crushing so hard that you stalked all social media accounts and know where their family went on vacation in 2011. Asks prime group chat to rate them. Sends text 15-30 minutes later even if you see it the second they text you. Plays hard to get even though you're easy AF.

Dating- *commonly misinterpreted* Going out out consistently (over 2-3 dates) and letting them bone you. Allowed to have side hoes. Doesn't fart in front of each other.

Together- Decision making time. Get rid of the side hoes, be nice to your main hoe. Do you want to get more serious or do you want to run as fast as you can? Definitely farts in front of each other.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend- Tied TF down. Buy a leash. Could see yourself putting a baby in her. Instagram profile is 5+ photos with her, Photo Vault is 500+.

Talking (Relationship Step 1)- BOY: "I went to Mexico with my family a couple years ago." GIRL: "Oh yeah, Cabo right?" BOY: "Wait what.." GIRL: "Wait where?"

Dating (Relationship Step 2)- BOY: "I just went to Applebee's and a movie with Jane, but Krystal keeps hitting me up." FRIEND: "Just go over there bro" BOY: "You right"

Together (Relationship Step 3)- *GIRL is flirting with another boy at bar* BOY: "What the F%$* Jane, stop hoeing around." GIRL: "I didn't think you cared. You never tell me how you feel." BOY: "No you're my hoe, let's go home" GIRL: "Okay, let's go home"

Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Relationship Step 4)- GIRL: *Sees that BOY liked some Instagram model's picture* "Why'd you like that girl's photo?" BOY: It's a model Jane, it's not like I actually know her. You're prettier than her anyways." GIRL: "If I was, why TF would you like it then? What am I doing wrong? I literally let you stick it in my butt last night, and you're gonna do that?" BOY: "You're right, I'm wrong. I'll just delete my Instagram" GIRL: "Okay baby :) What're you doing later?"

by Brad+Chad October 29, 2018

2👍 6👎


Wait....are you asking me to define the relationship

Guy:*talks to girl for only three years*
Girl: what are we?

Guy: woah there buckaroo

Girl: I’m only asking to define out relationship

Guy: ReLaTiOnShiP

by Dani_dank_DaVito April 13, 2019

2👍 6👎

relationship test

1) n. A secret task or condition you place on a person who you've just started dating to evaluate whether or not that person is relationship material.

2) n. A detrimental, often self-destructive lie of great significance told to expose the true character of one's partner. This is often done (ironically) in efforts to overcome one's own fear of commitment or to sabotage the relationship. (See mind fuck.)

3) n. The date during which one introduces one's partner to one's family for purposes of evaluating the long term viability of the relationship.

When Matt goes on a first date with a chick, he opens her car door first and then walks around back. If she doesn't reach over and unlock his door, she fails the relationship test 'cause she's probably a selfish cunt.

Whenever Claire needs to figure out if she wants to continue seeing some guy, she breaks out the, "I'm biologically male" relationship test. Then she sits back and watches the sparks fly.

by lugnutwrench July 11, 2008

5020👍 86👎

Brønsted Relationship

Describes the correlation between degree of attraction and relationship kinetics. When used to describe a precise period within a relationship it indicates the "friends with benefits" zone; when log (attraction) is proportional to log (rate of relationship progression). Unfortunately no Bronsted Relationship lasts forever, hence the "ø." Eventually the linear correlation breaks down when the mechanism of attraction changes as the relationship matures. Also at very high degrees of attraction, the rate may become saturated and become a zero order process. As in both parties are focusing on zero considerations apart from physical intimacy.

Human 1: "Dude; Jack and Rose are all over each other!"
Human 2: "Yea it's still a Brønsted Relationship."
Human 1: "Well it's a bummer cause Jack never comes over to watch football or make creme brulee anymore."
Human 2: "Don't worry, in a few months they'll be over it."

by Big Diggity January 16, 2015

210👍 5👎

quasiplatonic relationship

A term for people who are in a relationship that exceeds society's boundaries for friendships, but do not experience romantic attraction for the other. Also known as a queerplatonic relationship or QPR. Often replaces queerplatonic relationship as people in QPRs are not necessarily queer and the term queerplatonic relationship may cause confusion.
Partners in QPRs are often known as a zucchini, a term that began as an inside joke in the asexual and aromantic community.

Person 1: I'm really confused. I like you a lot, more than a friend should, but it's not in a romantic way.

Person 2: I feel the same way. I heard about a thing called a quasiplatonic relationship, and I think that would make sense for us. Would you like to be my QP partner?
Person 1: Yes please

by fish-prinx April 2, 2016

queerplatonic relationship

A relationship that exceeds what is usually considered as a platonic relationship, in which two or more people have a strong emotional bond, but do not experience romantic attraction. They may hold hands, cuddle, kiss, have sex, etc. or may not. The limits are defined by someone and their zucchini or zucchinis, and them alone. Many people on the asexual or aromantic spectrum are in queerplatonic relationships, also called QPRs.
Note: People do not have to be queer to be in a queerplatonic relationship, which is why it is also called a quasiplatonic relationship.

Person 1: Are you and Sandra dating? You seem really affectionate.
Person 2: Not really. I'm aromantic, and so is Sandra. We're in a queerplatonic relationship.

by fish-prinx April 2, 2016

142👍 6👎

magnetic relationship

two sodomites are together in a relationship and one is hiv - and one is hiv+ then they are considered magnetic as in like or opposite poles in a magnet - vs +

tieg has hiv and bryan does not so they are like opposite poles of a magnet and are drawn together as soon as tieg infects bryan and they are both hiv+ then they will be pushed apart and their relationship will fail,then they will go out and persue other magnetic relationships

by stoolivan May 24, 2022

170👍 10👎