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By George Martha, it's the river Nile!

A greeting used when one is surprised by someone's arrival.

guy 1: By George Martha, it's the river Nile!
guy 2: Oh hey, hows it going Joe.

by TheFlyingFuck October 8, 2011

4👍 5👎


Nile is an incredibly fun-loving individual who has a knack for uplifting others. He's charismatic and attractive, with the ability to bring a smile to anyone's face. Not only is he handsome and cool, but he's also successful, easygoing, and enjoyable company. He's always there for friends and family. Nile enjoys mingling with the elite, often with top industry professionals. While he adores women, he prefers being in a committed relationship or with the love of his life.

Nile wears the coolest urban fashions.

by She Who July 7, 2024


Niles, the type of guy who lives breathes fucks tesco and would do anything to get a sniff at a girl called chloes arse. Tends to hang round year 10 disco's buts it's okay as he's Niles. Also shit at fifa.

Do you want to take this outside? Do you niles.

by Josh1998 January 17, 2020


Niles, the type of guy who has you're back, but would also tap you from the back. Niles is the type of guy to devote all his love and attention to tesco, he lives breathes and wanks to tesco.
You're probably catch a niles down the local year 10 disco's. But that's niles. He also would do anything to get a sniff at any girls called chloe. Niles is a pimp.

Do you want to take this outside? Niles is an amature boxer

by Josh1998 January 17, 2020


A city located in Trumbull County, Ohio, United States, with an area of 8.60 square miles. It was founded in 1806 by James Heaton, and is the birthplace of the 25th president of the United States, William McKinley.

I live in Niles, Ohio

by Nilesman November 16, 2020


the sexiest man alive.

Damn he fine... His name must be a Niles.

by näir January 29, 2021


Very beautiful man, strong and athletic. Knowledgeable and fun to be around! Nile tends to be caring but is also cutthroat and hurtful when in moods

Oh that boy is such a Nile

by Kandzq November 28, 2019