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Short for “involuntary celibate”, an incel is an ugly pathetic virgin (typically a guy) who was mad their whole life, blaming the world for never having opportunities to have sex, eventually becoming extremely misogynistic and rapey.

Terry: fuck my life, i can never get laid! nobody likes me, i like sex, too. i’m gonna get that girl i like, just you watch.
Sam: um, yr sounding like an incel.

by algernoncadwallader June 27, 2018

294👍 439👎


An incel is someone who hasn’t had sex in the past 6 months or longer involuntarily. Many people have added extra thing onto it, such as men with horrible personalities. However, this is not true and it is just someone who can’t get laid.

Daniel: Gabe’s an incel
Tommy: Yeah Gabe couldn’t get laid even if the girl looked like his mother

by RLG is MLG June 28, 2018

63👍 80👎


A man who is an asshole, calls women "females", or, "foids", and they need to stop. Probably frequents incels.co.

Will: That man is an incel
Michael: He deserves the death sentence.

by manwhoneedshelp July 5, 2020

155👍 246👎


"Incel" refers to someone who is involuntarily incelibate, stereotypically a male. Incel attitudes are commonly exhibited on Reddit/4Chan/8Chan forums and in comments section of media containing women. Colloquially, it entails entitlement to female body parts and attention, male supremacy, male victim mentality, entitlement to absolute respect from the society's vulnerable populations (sex workers, women, trans woman), harassment of women on the internet, and even acts of physical violence. It significantly overlaps with misogyny and is seen most in highly individualistic cultures. The internet is not a friendly place for women because of them.

Jeffrey spends his days watching pornography and posting retaliatory comments about how he feels entitled to certain women's bodily fluids, even if the content was pirated and there's no way the woman would have anything to do with him in real life. Jeffrey is entitled because he is an incel.

by agp54 November 27, 2019

101👍 164👎


A bunch of entitled, angry dudes that use forums to discuss how many rapes and woman bashings they’ve done that week. These people think that they have an absolute right to have sex with a random girl off the street. (Or anywhere) and if they don’t get laid because of either their shit ass personality or the way they treat a partner like trash. They go out shooting up sororities yelling “DIE WOMEN DIE!”

It is also known that this certain type of individual will go out protesting with all his virgin buddies and try to make rape legal to “even the playing field”

Incel 1: Who else wants some fuck?
Incel 2: Me.
Incel 3 MEE!
Incel 1: ugh.. I’ve been waiting fifty years for some fuck... ):
Incel 2: I’m tired of waiting for a Stacy who will let me treat her like trash! I just say we get it on with each other... (;
Incel 1: ...
Incel 2: .....
Together: YEAH! *Jumps in the air and high fives together*

by WendyLoveGirl February 3, 2019

54👍 82👎


aka "involuntarily celibate", a person (usually male) who has a horrible personality and treats women like sexual objects and thinks his lack of a sex life comes from being "ugly" when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude. incels have little to no self awareness; even when they see other "ugly" men with girlfriends, they consider these men to be tricksters who have somehow beat the system and can get women despite being cursed with unattractiveness (in other words, theyre respectful to women and women are attracted to their personalities, but incels cant comprehend such a phenomenon). they believe that women owe them sex, and many of the more extreme incels like to spend time in incel communities on the internet coming up with ways to make women have sex with them (often involving genocide of people of color, genocide of "Chads" (men who have sex), taking rights away from women, raping them, having sex with women's dead bodies, and other horrid, disgusting things. they cant understand that that is PRECISELY why women want nothing to do with them).

"haven't you heard?"
"heard what?"
"Hiru from TOW server 42 is a fuckin incel."

by mimsiebunnies December 11, 2019

55👍 85👎


Mad at the world, forum using, living in your mom's basement, no pussy getting motherfuckers. Blaming at everyone but your own because your cheetoos dust wearing ass expects a woman to give you some ass. Wake the fuck up! no one owes you shit instead go to the gym, get a hobby, a job, take a shower, maybe trim that unabomber beard, and then maybe you'll be to get some.

John is an undercover incel.

by Tyrone2023 February 2, 2023

1👍 1👎