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And its a party!

When someone drops something because they are far from sober.

When carl drops his cigarette....

And its a party!

by Yeah...no... June 6, 2017


Pretty much the best fuckin baked snack cracker of all time. 100% Real cheese. Something everyone likes, and for those who dont. Well, take a look at Rosie O'Donell.

Todd: Oh em gee can I have some Cheez-Its? Nick: No fucker, get your own box. As a matter of fact, just get the hell away from me.

by Flipzeroccs9 July 23, 2009

59๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

its quiet

something you say when some1 else says or mentions something you dont want to do or dont like or care for.

2.) you can say this when

1. some1 asks you to go somewhere

2. when you want to say that your not going somewhere or doing something

jake: can you come to the store with me
Mike: im kinda tired it depends wat store.
Jake: its 5 blocks away
Mike: 5 Blocks??!!? Its quiet (or "its quiet for that")

2.) lora: i heard your Ex is gonna be at that party tonight

May: ohhh! its quiet for that party...i do NOT want to see him

by @curve2luv_aug17 August 14, 2010

70๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

its bad

Usually a response.

Most common definitions.

Won't work, Can't do it, No, Don't think so, Not even, No go. etc etc.

Commonly used in Bay Area slang.

Used as: No, Don't think so

Person: Aye breh you gon come through to the party tonight.
Person: Its bad i think breh.

Used as: No, Not even

Person: Damn nikka you homo for him haha.
Person: *shakes head* its bad breh.

by guntr0n June 21, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

whip its

A whip it, normally called a whipped cream charger, is a polished silver canister about 2 inches in length containing .8 or .16 mg of nitrous oxide.

When cracking sealed whip its, you will need a whipped cream dispenser or separate cracker (normally with a large non inflated balloon attached around its dispenser valve).

After a series of long, deep breaths the whip it is then inhaled through either the filled dispenser or balloon at which point the user will then hold their breath.

The desired effect happens almost immediately and is composed of a series of short hallucinations and distorted hearing. The user will then slowly breath out the remaining n2o and repeatedly inhale oxygen until the effect wears off.

This abuse of nitrous oxide puts it on the Hazardous Chemicals database due to sometimes causing asphyxiation.

"Dude! Did you just see that guy take three whip its upside down hanging on that pull-up bar?!? That was just 10 minutes ago and now he's cooking us dinner!"

by WhipItsDotOrg November 20, 2008

184๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


A contraction of "alright"


by FebruarySong May 29, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

its a trap!

signature saying of the weird fish guy in the sixth star wars film who yells it out when the alliance are trying to blow the death star up and the empires fleet suddenly appears out of nowhere, this setting the scene for one of the most memorable quotes of all times
"Its a trap!"

"Oh sweet fucking jesus its the imperial fleet!"
"Blub blub blub its a trap!"

by Burgomeister April 5, 2006

250๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž