A basket filled with choice items given to one's one-night stands at the conclusion of the evening.
Mariah couldn't wait to show me all the autograph baseballs she received in her Jeter basket.
When you are so sick of hearing about how wonderful some other individual is.
After a year of hearing, ad nauseam, about how, Derek Jeter invented baseball and is the best person since Jesus Christ, I am Jetered out.
The best weed money can buy. Usually heard around New York or eastcoast. The term comes from famous player Derek Jeter.
Mike: Hey Jamal, let me get an 8th of Jeter
Jamal: Sorry Mike, I only got the cheap stuff right now.
alien sent to Planet #3 aka Earth to create and shit on niggas humbly.
aint no examples or sentence to describe JETER
jeter is the most caring, loving, boy you will ever meet. he really cares about you and tries to do anything to make others happy. hes really funny and is always gonna be there for you. i love my jeter and you need one too. they are the best person in the world and i wouldn’t trade him for anything. hes the best and deep down he has that soft spot that no one knows about untill you get close with them. they are truly the best
The pairing between Peter Pettigrew and Julia Lupin. Though they are not canon, a very good majority of instagram’s Marauders fans love the couple.
Jeter is amazing, I wish they were canon.
Aaron: Hello there Demarcus. May I get a 50 sack of your mids, please?
Demarcus (Drug Dealer) But bro i got you with an 8th of that Jeter for 50.
Aaron: okay, thanks Demarcus. You always know whats best for me.