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Chipp jipped

When you finally get your food only to realize they gave you like three chips

Man I’ m never ordering there again, I got mad chipp jipped doggie

by Cheetah bae December 22, 2017


Getting scammed aka paying and a lot for something cheap

“Bro jimmy jipped me 20 bucks for that Sandwich

by DrugBoiJTS May 8, 2024


A nickname for semen

Girl: Cover me in jip

by codwallop100 June 12, 2020



Who's that one dude that sells you weed? Oh yeah that jip does.

by Marvalo Gaunt April 2, 2020


short for nicotine rip/ juul rip

j- rip

Can I get a jip?”

by katebrown August 7, 2020


bru what evan is this word ?

naa jip stupid

by derpy man ching chog October 10, 2023


(n.) an annoying, grating person that is always in the way
(adj.) jippy

Don't be such a jip. He's always so jippy.

by CloroxWipes November 12, 2020