A midget who's addicted to drinking cum.
"Look at that fucking kumquat!"
A word used to describe a massive poo.
There is a kumquat in the toilet bowl.
A kumquat (or better refined as a cum-quat) is a small individual (or midget) that is addicted to cum.
*midget walks up, and I stare into it's eyes and whisper in its ear* "kumquat"
A safe word for people who can't see the color red
P1: "what was that?!"
P2: "oh that's coreys safe word, he can't see red."
A TH I C C. B O I I. Who has other redeeming quality other than attractiveness
“I only date kumquats”
Kumquat Is a nickname of a boy named “Ryan” that a group that called themselves “knarp” gave to this boy
Ryan the kumquat is currently on a mission