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freak a leak

A girl who is willing to do anything to please guy basically like a {hoe}.

Damn that girl did what eva i told her last night she a Freak A Leak.

by Ghettofabhunny March 24, 2005

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leak of faith

when a guy runs into a bathroom about to piss himself, but its pitch black inside so he pulls it out and takes a piss hoping that he is landing in the urinal and/or toilet minimally the sink over the floor.

special note: every time a blind man takes a pee he is taking a leak of faith

Chris ran into the bathroom and shut the door, reached for the light switch but it was out after feeling his way around the room he assumed he was standing in front of the toilet, and pissed only to find that he was pissing in some other guys lap, he took a leak of faith and fate was not kind to either gentlemen!

by justanotherbluepill December 2, 2010

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Leaking the Lizard

the act of taking a piss or urinating in the restroom or designated area.

Hey Jon, I am leaking the lizard.

by Mysterystudent November 4, 2010

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Dicky Leaks

Leaking of semen from penis during sleep, possibly after having a sexy dream. It is usually found out about in the morning.

- Morning Sir! How was your sleep?
- I got dicky leaks all over the mattress. You gotta change that bed.

by DickyLeaks March 16, 2016

leaking acid

A fart so bad that it burns the nostrils ans stings the eyes

He was leaking acid as he walked, causing people to wretch and heave

by cat litter boy March 27, 2014

Leak Wink

Whilst going for a piss, making direct eye contact with another person, and winking at them.

"Did you just leak wink at me?"

by LeakWink July 13, 2013

Skooter leak

The cum that leaks out of a woman's freshly fucked vagina.

(Girl sitting with leg up while on the golf cart)

man walking by: Dude, did you pee your pants???

Girl: no!!! It's your brother's nut, leaking out of my skooter! aka: skooter leak

by curtain convention October 14, 2009

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