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Mak kau hijau

Something to describe how beautiful your friend are.Somedays, people say this to wishing happy birthday for everyone who live in Malaysia.

Najib:I would like to say mak kau hijau to my crush, Levi at Malaysia!!
Tesco: She is like mak kau hijau,so garam πŸ₯°wait...are you gay
Najib:No I don't... We're gay

by Charli d mama milo March 10, 2021

12πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

mak kau hijau

is an expression, originally from Malaysia to stated that you hate someone.

Example "mak kau hijau" it means I hate you.

by adikmanisbie May 15, 2021

6πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

John Mak rememberal week

this week is made by students in 2020-2021 1D class, because of the change of summer timetable to winter timetable. Their Math teacher Mr. John Mak is change to Br. Jude. But everyone 1n 1D loves Mr. John Mak and for his leave, they made this week.

Student A: Wait!!!!!!! Why is the timetable saying our Math teacher is changed to Br. Jude!?!?!?!?
Student B: NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Student A posted the timetable at WhatsApp*
ALL Students at WhatsApp: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Student C: We must make this week the John Mak rememberal week!!!!!!!!!!

by LSC spy November 15, 2020

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Chun Mak Yeddern Stick

Slang for Juul, often shortened to Chun for convenience sake.

Homie 1: Yo sauce me the Chun Mak Yeddern Stick
Homie 2: I gotchu bro

by Thiccums_Pinajen September 16, 2019

Mak kim jong

a nickname for hendry wira, an ex for cyn and kat. a very straight person

ask mak kim jong to the pub, he wont go. such a straight person

by henkimmak November 29, 2021

Maks Olic

Liverpool supporter, yeah course. Thinks hes top shit cos they won the league when they lose 3 times to the mighty Arsenal and 7-2 to Villa. Virgil Van Dijk, im being serious hes the best player in the werld. Thinks that Mane and Salah are the best players in the world. Absolute scum thinks that the Community Shield isnt a real trophy.

Maks Olic is a real scum because he thinks that Virgil is good.

by MASON FORCEWOOD October 13, 2020

William Mak

used to be a sweat at fortnite and has now turned into an asian roadman who vapes 24/7
has a 70 yr old dad when he was in y8

yo it's william mak, is he shagging another yr11 again? not surprised icl

by itzyabaee August 15, 2023