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When a man (not all men, so don’t hate) has some sort of insecurity which makes him want to be better than a woman in every situation so he explains simple things to women for a false sense of superiority. Usually the things they explain are things the women already know. There are cases where the man does not know the woman’s knowledge and tries to help her. If this happens, just apologize and say you weren’t aware of their knowledge. (There are feminists who use this term to degrade men, and at that point, they are not being a feminist, but a bad person)

I can’t believe he just mansplained how to pronounce my name properly.

How was work? I had several concepts I know already mansplained to me, but it was fine

Mansplaining is so annoying! Yes, I do know how to make coffee. I’m a barista!

by Smallangryfox January 12, 2019

12👍 20👎


Complete bullshit.

You’re mansplaining,

You’re a feminist peice of shit.

by Whiteprivlage July 1, 2018

5👍 10👎


To explain in a patronizing manner, assuming total ignorance on the part of those listening. The mansplainer is often shocked and hurt when their mansplanation is not taken as absolute fact, criticized or even rejected altogether.

Named for a behavior commonly exhibited by male newbies on internet forums frequented primarily by women. Often leads to a flounce. Either sex can be guilty of mansplaining.

The members of the equestrian community were unimpressed when Bob posted an essay that mansplained a solution to a horsy problem they were all well-acquainted with.

by TheGiggler April 26, 2009

4493👍 15930👎


A feeble attempt for Women to again make Men aware how rude it is to explain to them their own job/skills/capabilities. Feeble as men prefer to maintain gender inequality because it benefits them to ignore their horrible behaviour and continue to dominate and control for the sake of their insecurities. It I am much easier to be angry and blame women for wanting to be treated equally than to learn how to treat them with respect and decency.

She said I was mansplaining when allI was doing was giving her advice on how to handle a situation in her job.

by Reallyareyouthatinsecure June 10, 2017

27👍 65👎


Mansplaining is a man explaining something to a woman in her own area of expertise.

It was excruciatingly painful to overhear the mansplaining she was subjected to on a daily basis.

by NaturallySo March 11, 2017

750👍 2690👎


Current and widest usage:
A form of sexist hate speech designed to denigrate men and shut down their ability to participate in a discussion, through the use of a term designed to have a shaming impact on them, but which really indicates that the user has no real ideas or arguments, and is relying one her privileged status as a female to deny equal conversational rights to a male, or men in general.

Original intent:

A term used to shame and shut down a man who a woman felt was "talking down to her" about a subject that she already knows about. - For example, a man trying to explain how an airplane works to a woman who has been a pilot for twenty years.

"When your brother did that, I felt like he was being rude to me, so I guess I was rude back"
"Quit mansplaining, you condescending jerk!"

by WTF-O August 18, 2017

11👍 27👎


Mansplaining is when a man takes over a conversation about a topic he knows little, or less about than the woman he is talking with (or the other non-cis-male folks). It can be about anything really, and the worst happenings are when the women not only know all about the topic, they often have written an entire book on it, etc. This phenomenon of erasure of women's knowledge happens because men (especially white-cis men) are raised to believe that their opinions and thoughts matter most -- that their intellect is supreme. This is about Male Privilege and not all men do it.

I was talking about the book I just wrote to a friend when a man interrupted me to tell me all about the topic. Not only is that rude, it's the definitive mansplaining behavior.

by solidaritylove March 11, 2017

679👍 2753👎