A person who dervies some form of pleasure, be it happiness or something else, from doing incredibly hard things, such as playing games on the hardest difficulty, or simply just likes large explosions and excess of things.
I am a chaotic masochist, and I love explosions and incredibly difficult math. Ultimately, I'm always up for the hardest challenge, and love destruction.
Dude, he's such a chaotic masochist, he plays every game with a difficulty setting on the hardest one, and can't stop building things is games that make massive explosions. He evens finds excitement in doing math I could never do it's so long. No, he doesn't get sexual gratification, just shear joy at the thought of something that masochistic.
Someone who hates his own race or feels inferior to another
"The teacher is such an ethno-masochist, she shouldn't be teaching"
Une personne ressentant du plaisir, notamment sexuel, en recevant une certaine douleur, dont la nature varie selon les goûts de la personne
-J'ai décidé de commencer à lire Bonne Nuit Punpun.
-Tu dois être un masochiste à ce point. Bonne chance, soldat. o7
A blue collar individual from the American Midwest that consistently votes against their own interests in successive elections.
Those Midwestern masochists have been voting reliably for Democrats for decades.
Someone who plays Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege for fun.
1: "Dude Todd was on Siege for 6 hours earlier!"
2: "What a masochist I can't believe someone would torture themselves like that"
Masochist the only definition for this is dumby he’s a masochist and also acts like garry from bully
yo did you see the masochist dumby? yeah he acts like garry from bully and he’s a plotter