a group of few fuckers that want to be exactly the same like one of my best friend. they're acting like him, wearin similar clothes, two of them even got a hairstyle like he does. every "wannabe Matys" almost admires him, but he hates this act of copin his own style. they're also suckin to him every moment and it's so pathetic. he's always gettin fuckin angry when they're doin such things.
1) wannabe Matys nr.2: hey, Matys, wouldn't be great if we all buy this same shirt and then wear it in the sql?
my friend: fuck off, ya mothetfuckin wannabe!
2) plumber: look Mateo, I've bought you flowers, I love you, I don’t want to be like you, I WANT TO BE YOU!!
Meaning: God of sex. Hottest boy. Big dick. In a nice shape.
Matys-Olivier can have what he want when he want (menages the girl yk) ;)