A Booty Mongoloid is a savage butt hunter that has an insatiable lust for the booty. These unrelenting ass masters come from East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Arctic region of North America. They lurk in the darkest depths waiting until their prey's booty is most vulnerable.
Little Jimmy got taken by those damn Booty Mongoloids!
A mentally retarted person that doesn’t know how to say no to sex
Dude this person is a mongoloid skank don’t date them
To be fucked by a black dude with down syndrom, while eating marshmallows.
Yesterday i did some mongoloid with my hood friends
A primitive-looking man with physically brutish features and physique, an unsophisticated appearance and demeanor, and apparent lack of intellect.
Previously, an obsolete technical term used by anthropologists to describe humans of East Asian ancestry.
Generally considered offensive since it has a racial connotation.
Hey you fuckin' mongoloid, eat any good books at the gym lately?
A mentally retarted person; autist; typically someone with Down syndrome; a person with concerning mental capabilities
That mongoloid was licking the railing yesterday after school. Only a mongoloid would rob a gun store.
A mix between a mongrel/mong and a spaz/spazmoid
Steve your a right mongoloid
No I'm not a mongoloid I'm just autistic