A holiday celebrated on December 4 where you have sex with people for fun.
Hey did you know today is National Sex Day? Now you have to have sex with me!
National day is a celebration on oct 17 to celebrate sex
Happy National Sex Day, let’s have sex
A Day where you and your partner have sexual intercourse
“ wanna have sex on national sex day”
Today is National Sex Day.. let’s go have some sex
Me: “Babe it’s national sex day, let’s celebrate”
Girlfriend: “okay sounds good
on January 26th it is national sex day it is the day were you have sex for the whole entire day
hey you wanna have sex today it’s national sex day
sure when you wanna
right now and for the whole day
22nd July
A wonderful opportunity to have sex with your partner and cuddle or kiss after!;)
- guess what day it is!?
- uhh, 22nd?
- well yes dummy, it's also the national sex day!;D