Source Code

turn off your notifications

If you don’t wanna get notifications from me, turn off your notifications. It’s not that hard. If you don’t want me sending you messages, stop screaming at me and TURN YOUR NOTIFICATIONS OFF.

if you don’t want to hear my messages, turn off your notifications.
person 1: im watching tv stop texting me
person 2: okay im gonna send you some stuff to see later so turn your notifications off.
person 1 (5 minutes later): STOP TEXTING ME OMGGGG
person 2: I said to turn your notifications off is it that hard?

person 1: stop texting me already.
person 2: I wasn’t texting you until you texted me randomly 5 minutes later. I stopped!
person 1 (9 minutes later): ugh im trying to spend some quality time with my family would you stop!
person 2: *writes this*

(I’m person 2 🙂)

by NikitaGaveMeApples! August 5, 2022

block notification

The messages you get before someone blocks you.

Person 1: I keep getting block notifications from these chicks man
Person 2: Damn that's rough

by bigdickdavid69 July 14, 2021

block notification

The messages you get before someone blocks you.

Person 1: These chicks keep sending me block notifications man.
Person 2: Damn that's rough

by bigdickdavid69 July 14, 2021

notification echo

when you get a notification on one device and then another, and another, and another in quick succession - this is what is known as the "echo". Also known as "an echo".

Dude, your notification echo is a real pain in the ass.

by Rupert grint September 25, 2015