Source Code


1) Roblox Death Sound



by TheOOF_Handler September 27, 2018

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


When a Roblox character is injured or dies.

Now that’s a major Oof.

by seant708 December 10, 2017

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž



oof me daddy

by jognny October 19, 2018

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


When you die in roblox; also used when something embarrassing or bad happens.

"Oof" Tyler commented on a meme page when he saw a funny video.

by Robloxlover56 May 28, 2017

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A famous sound from the game Roblox, this sound is made in the game when a player dies


by Yeetskiddadle September 26, 2018


A word one uses (commonly by furries or e-girls) when they either can't be bothered or have the mental competence to sympathise with someone with trouble in their personal life, in reply to them seeking advice or help.

For contextual reference, the word 'oof' was derived from an internet meme, featuring the sound the player's avatar makes in the PC game 'ROBLOX' when they get killed. The original name of the meme, and the name of it's ACTUAL SOUND FILE was 'uuhhh' or 'uuhhh.wav'. This meme's name slowly changed into 'oof' after it was heavily popularised and became what is known as a 'dead' or 'normie' meme due to a mishearing, therefore making the word incorrect onomatopoeia for the sound.

Usage of the word is considered by some to be cute or, God forbid me saying this: 'quirky', but is mostly seen as a sign of insensitivity or ignorance towards a person's feelings.

Jonathan: Steve, I'm having a hard time with my parents right now. Could I talk to you about it just to get it off my chest? It'll mean a lot to me, man.

Steve: oof

Jonathan: ...

Steve: ...

Jonathan: ...We gonna talk about it or...?

Steve: r.i.p bro big oof xDDDDDD

by Earl The Llama April 27, 2019


A sound that is used generally in ROBLOX, when you have died. It is also used in real life when you have been moderately hurt or have had the wind knocked out of you.

*Dies in ROBLOX* OOF

*Gets punched in stomach* oof

by Good_Sir June 6, 2018