The act of wandering from a place to another one drinking all night long..or until u r totally blasted,hence u r forced to waste the rest of your night on the crappy floor of a club/pub/your home toilet.
The main purpose of an Alcohol Parade is to get new mates in each place u have a drink, using alcohol as a powerful legal substance that allow u to build up new relations with previously unknown people..btw often it.s most likely they.ll keep to be unknown even the day after cuz you won.t be able to remind them,). Therefore the most important stuff is that you must be aware about your own tolerance threshold to avoid unwanted side effects as reported before, and to avoid regretful recoveries with unattractive/disgusting/nasty beings of the opposite (or even same) sex.
Broadly speaking even the whole life of an alcohol-addicted can be define as lifelong alcohol parade, where he spends all his time moving back and forth between pubs or supermarkets but with the mere aim to feel intoxicated.
A - shall we go for an alcohol parade?
B - I'm in, FOR SURE!! First round.s on me tonight,)
A - hey man nice to c u again!!! tonight i lost u right after a couple of drinks, so what was your last alcohol parade like?
B - ...dude, let.s have a bomb-cocktail i need to forget that rubbish sack i woke up with..
The ever-growing list of guys a promiscuous girl may have.
jane- janet has a new guy over here every week!
john- yeah, just more guys in the cock-parade...
A parade in which the innocuous cephalopod, the Squid, is celebrated in all its glory.
Squid Parades usually take place during a 16 minute window between 11:52 pm on January 2nd, and 12:18 am on January 3rd. This time symbolizes the Squid's New Year.
Two places where this celebration takes place religiously, Squid Road in Oak Bay, WA, and Squid Row in Santa Cruz, CA, have been noted as being the two most "Formidable" locations on the planet... Coincidence?
Person one : "Hey Jon, did you hear about the Squid Parade going on in Santa Cruz next week?"
Person two : "Yes."
A group of teenage mothers (usually Chavish) walking along with their most prized accessories: their newly, or recently, spawned vermin
"Jesus Christ, Mary ,mother of Joseph! Where did they come from?"
"Them!" (points)
"Oh they're just the local Pushchair parade."
When you are to nice of a person to tell people no or to just "lay down the law"
When you get taken advantage of...
Maria and Chandler moved in a few months ago. They don't pay rent and hardly do any cleaning. They were told from the start they should try to chip in as much as they can.
"What the fuck am I to you, a Piss Parade?? I shouldn't HAVE to tell you to clean up after yourself it's common sense!!"
What happens when someone proverbialy rains on your parade meaning they ruin your triumphant moment.
JU: The Cardinals won the World Series!
Them: Just because the other team felt bad for them.
JU: Thats serious parade rainage
Gay couples holding hands as they walk through the city fighting for gay rights.
Peter; Bobby lets go to the rainbow parade. Bobby; I would love to go it sounds fabulous. Peter; Oh and Bobby, Don't forget the KY Jelly.
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