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Amelie De Brandt

She looks perfect.

by Daniel2222222 May 4, 2020


Sajjad. He is the prettiest, most handsome, flawless boy in every universe. He has all the qualities you would ever need from someone so fucking perfect like him.

he’s so perfect 🫢.

by munknight April 20, 2023


if something is too good to be true, when the world stops turning as soon as you recognise those symptoms you know that something is "perfect".
just like a perfect relationship. when people love each other so much that they wont ever let go off each other and they are practically glued to each other.
like for example the in the end perfect relationship of :

superman and luois lane
or romeo and juliette
or kidd and chaa
or spiderman and mary jane.
all those figures have something , they have perfect relationships , e.g. they would do everything for each other.

by smurf -monster April 10, 2007

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β€˜awh, heeseung is so cute!! he is incredibly perfect!!’

by doyurice April 2, 2021

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a word that sluts and bitches always seem to think they are...?

like, oh my god, i had so much fun last night! i am so perfect!

by alyssalillianxo November 2, 2010

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The word that the woman of my dreams defines.

My wife is perfect to me. Don't y'all niggas get it?

by E-Spades February 1, 2011

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perfect does not exsist no one person or one thing in this world is perfect and never will be people are the farthest things from perfection

there are a lot of expectations for perfection and those expectations will never be meet

by lala214 September 12, 2011

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