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Performance Augmentor

A word, symbol, phrase, person, place, thing of any size or magnitude or frequency, action or activity which increases an individual's performance.

Though there are many different types of performance augmentors, the lucious next door neighbor definitely got Ana Thema doing the best she possibly could to live in the most beneficial ways (for her). And listening to the hit songs from his twenties on the web and scrutinizing their lyrics got Carl so revved-up he feels and does things as if he were a teenager.

by but for October 22, 2017

performative cc

Carbon copying parties unrelated to the subject matter of your email in an attempt to seem more involved or important than you actually are

Coworker 1: Why did she copy us on this email about catalog changes? We're not in marketing.
Coworker 2: Look at all the people she copied, looks like an egregious case of Performative CC'ing to me

by Stabbitha January 27, 2020

performative hijrah

A hijrah which is done cosmetically, but without any essence at all

Performative hijrah makes people boasting when they're hijrah even though their behaviour is far from hijrah, i mean they still minding other's businesses, riya' (showing off their amal/good deeds), spreading hoaxes and hate speeches, committing riots and killing on behalf of "religion", stuck in bigotry and intolerance, you name it---even though they claim if they were "hijrah".

by Sir. B July 31, 2021

Star Performer

When one individual goes beyond the call of his or her responsibilities. This person can usually sucks up to corporate management and has a star performer shirt to show off to any co-worker who doubts her abilities.

Kelly is a star performer at work.

by technical user June 29, 2011

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performing art

having sex, or performing sexual acts on another person.

I live for food and performing arts on people

by bjchick April 20, 2016

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performance review

A chance for others less capable than yourself to get their own back

I worked my ass off for six months on that project and delivered on time and on budget but in my performance review all my boss could do was critique my soft skills.

by Charlie Benger-Stevenson April 25, 2008

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km perform

A charter school part of KMHS.

The school is for "The arts". Which seems cool to people who actually enjoy the arts, but lets face it. The chances of a student attending become a famous artist/writer/actor/singer?? Like one in a billion. Congrats, you just wasted some of the most important years of your life on a hobby.

Now for the people. 90% of them have colored hair, and when you're walking through the KM hallways and see someone with bright pink hair, u know. Many of them have different sexualities, but that's ok no judgement needed. There are also many people who consider themselves the opposite gender, but whatever. Then there's the select few that don't consider themselves a gender, or have some crazy made up sexualities. Listen, I'll respect your gender & sexuality, but if you tell me you're "Non-Binary" or some shit like that, I'm probably gonna walk away.

As far as the teachers, they're ok. The classes are usually normal, besides the fact that most of the students are behind. Some work hard, truly they do, but others, eh.They might graduate. But that's not my problem. They also have seminars, but some seminars focused around memes. Yes, you read that right. MEMES. Not sure how this is gonna help when ur trying to get into college, but who knows. Maybe some admission representative at some far away college is going to look at a transcript and say, "Woah this person took a class on memes? Give them a full ride scholarship!" Doubtful, but who knows.

Did you see that kid with green hair?
- Yeah, must be from km perform

by sillysillysillgirl123 June 17, 2017

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